Chapter 29:

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Evelyn's POV:

I felt cold and wet as my eyes struggled to open against the pouring rain and the strong wind that made the trees almost bend over.

My head was throbbing, making me regret not grabbing my helmet before I had decided to run off.

Did I have a concussion?

The dizziness that swept over me as I started to stand confirmed that I probably did.

" Navarre! " I called out. " Navarre! "

I never should have run off to begin with. Now I was alone in the woods during a thunderstorm and my horse had run off to who-knows-where.

What if he was hurt?

My first thought was bears, that wandered around the woods during this time of year. I was confident that Navarre could outrun a bear.

But I couldn't.

The snapping of a branch behind me sent me running in the opposite direction.

Why was I so stupid?

Neglecting Hugo. Not being able to stand up to my parents. Yelling at Ash, one of the only friends I had made this summer.

And running away on a young, nervous horse before a storm without a helmet.

Yep, that was the icing on the cake of one miserable summer.

Once I was sure I was far enough from the snapping branch, I slowed to a walk. I rubbed my arms, which were bare against the cold.

Teeth chattering, I stumbled almost blindly through the woods that weren't even recognizable to a girl who had grown up on this property.

Although, Navarre and I had jumped quite a few lines of fences during our run, so maybe I wasn't even on Holloway property anymore.

I jumped as lighting lit up the sky, outlining the silhouette of a building in the distance.

" Thank god " I whispered to myself as I ran towards the building.

It was an old wood cabin, obviously abandoned from the way the windows were boarded up and the door had a rusty lock hooked on it that looked like it was about to fall off.

I managed to break the lock off with a tree branch that had fallen against the porch and quickly made my way inside.

Dust immediately greeted me, making me cough as I walked inside. It was dark, but there was a couch covered with a tarp and a fireplace with some kindling and matches, so it would have to do.

Now if I could just get a fire started, I could warm myself up.

I cautiously kneeled in front of the fire and threw a few pieces of kindling into the fire. After several failed attempts to light the old matches, I managed to get a small fire started, soaking up as much of the warmth as I could.

With the fire lighting up the cabin, I was able to explore some more.

I was guessing it had been a hunting cabin of some kind, from the deer antlers pinned to the walls and a few fishing rods and guns laying in the small bedroom just off the living room.

The kitchen was also stocked with cans of beans and tuna as well as a few water bottles that I eagerly took and drank.

Out the window of the kitchen, I was able to see a big shed just a few feet away from the cabin. However, I was content just staying in the cabin until the storm passed by.

Taking the tarp off the couch, I slumped down with my bottle of water and warmed up in front of the fire.

My head was still throbbing and I could feel a bump forming on the back under my hair. I was 100% sure that I had a concussion, plus the fact that I had blacked out probably wasn't a good sign.

The old cabin creaked against the wind.

My mind wandered to the events that had led me here.

Was it because I couldn't stand up for my parents?

Was it because I had neglected Hugo to the point of Kelly buying him?

Was it because I had yelled at Ash and said all those horrible things to her?

I think it was a combination of it all.

" I'm sorry Hugo... " I sighed. " I should have fought harder to keep you...I just got so caught up in doing good at shows to make my parents proud that I just...lost sight of how great you were in my life... " I felt a few tears mix with the rain on my face.

" Now it's too late...Kelly's going to take you away when summer is over...and I'll probably never see you again... "

My head shot up when I heard the echo of a familiar whinny.

" ...Hugo? "

I quickly stood and ran to the door, letting it fly open with the wind.

...Had it just been my imagination?

I turned when I heard the sound of a snapping branch.

" Hugo! " I called out.

But the big, furry creature that walked on four big, clawed paws was not Hugo.

It was a bear!

The bear stared at me and growled, standing up on its back legs.

I felt frozen even though I was a few feet away from the cabin door.

As the bear got closer, my body shook from fear instead of the cold and I did the only thing my body could muster in that moment.

I screamed...

I screamed at the same time the bear roared....

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