Chapter 33:

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Evelyn's POV:

" This place is amazing! " Tina spoke up as she pressed her face against the window of the car.

" Quit hogging all the space! " Blair called as she practically climbed over Tina to see outside.

I giggled from my place in the front seat. " Children! " I called. " Don't you make me turn this car around! "

" But mom! " Ash joined in. " Blair and Tina are fighting! Not me! I'm the innocent one! "

" Not fair! " Tina whined as Blair pushed her head down below the window. " Quit it! "

Blair stuck her tongue out at her, making us all laugh as Darla pulled the car up to the designated parking spot for Holloway.

In the rearview mirror, I saw EFA or Elliot Falls Academy's trailer. It was huge, with the schools' name plastered on the side.

" Hey! Earth to Eve! "

I blinked and came back into focus. Everyone was out of the truck except for Ash, who was holding her door open.

" We're getting the horses out " She spoke. " Is everything okay? "

After we had made up, we also made a pact to never lie to each other ever again, and always speak up when we had something on our minds. I intended to keep that pact.

I nodded towards the EFA trailer and she followed my gaze.

" Whoa...EFA is...impressive... " She whispered.

" Intimidating is more like it... " I replied. " Do you...Do you think they have scouts here too? "

All the top schools with equestrian programs were here, to watch which riders were the top in Alberta...or maybe all of Canada.

To be honest, I was unsure how many people were competing, and from where they had come from...

Ash shrugged. " Probably, but it's nothing we can control. We just need to ride our best out there "

I smiled and nodded as we stepped out of the truck. My heart suddenly felt like it had dropped to my stomach. Most of the scouts that attended these types of competitions were from well-known colleges and equestrian teams, but EFA had a curriculum for grades 6 to the end of high school. For a girl about to enter her junior year of high school, a year or two at the Academy could really help my career as an equestrian.

Of course, with the number of scouts here compared to the number of riders, I would be lucky for anyone to notice me.

I shook those thoughts from my mind. Now was the time to focus, to ride my best, like Ash had said.

I was riding for myself and my horse.

I walked over to the trailer, where Darla already had the door open and the ramp down.

Most of the horses were casually snoozing, used to traveling long distances by now. However, Surfer was pacing nervously along with Navarre, who I had brought to desensitize to the showing well as be a backup in case something happened with Hugo.

Ash had done the same, having Florence brought as well just in case.

It was good to be prepared.

" Let's get the nervous horses out first, get them in a stall so they can calm down before we get the others "

We all nodded and I cautiously stepped into the trailer and over to Navarre. I still felt guilty about getting him so scared of storms now, but I planned on making it up to him...somehow...

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