Chapter 37:

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Evelyn's POV:

When Blair said that EFA riders were just a glance at how tough the competition was here, she wasn't kidding.

I was currently warming up with her and Jake, while Tina and Ash were back at the barn, their round not starting for another hour or so so they had time.

I closed my eyes and shook my head as Apollo slid to a halt in front of the practice log jump. This was the third time he had refused a jump and it wasn't helping his confidence that Blair looked like a nervous wreck.

" Is she okay? " Jake asked.

" No " I sighed. " She isn't... "

Blair looked down as she let Apollo walk back over to us. She looked upset, like anyone who's horse just refused the same jump a few minutes before their round was going to start at one of the biggest shows of their junior riding career.

" I can't focus... " She sighed as she rubbed Apollo's neck. " Sorry boy looks like we might go down a few places...if we don't get eliminated altogether... "

" That's not happening " I spoke up as I dismounted.

Blair and Jake raised their brows at me as I passed Blair Hugo's reins. " Hold him, I'll get Apollo over that jump while you take Hugo over a few "

She smiled and nodded as she dismounted. " Thank you... "

We switched horses. I could get Apollo's confidence up and I knew that Hugo would do the same for Blair. When it came to cross country, it was rare for him to stop unless something really spooked him. Blair being nervous wouldn't affect him.

I adjusted my stirrups after mounting Apollo and waited for an opening to take him around to the jump. I had ridden the gorgeous bay countless times during the year since during school I made time to exercise most of the horses at Holloway since I didn't have to worry about showing until closer to the summer. Apollo had a long stride that was difficult to collect at times, but he knew his job when it came to jumping, unless his rider felt different, as he was very in tune with his riders emotions and sensitive to strong aids, which was Blair's weakness when she got nervous.

The log jump was designed like an oxer, a large gap between the first and last log. If not taken at the right moment, the second log jump could catch the horses legs...or worse, the horse could land in the gap and have a rotational fall, the worst fall a horse and rider could experience during a run.

'Don't think about that' I thought. 'Trust Apollo'

I cued him into a canter once another rider had finished going over the jump and pointed him straight at it.

Apollos ears flicked back and forth wildly and I felt his pace slow.

" No way! " I told him as I firmly pressed my heels into his sides. " Go! "

Apollo snorted as he surged forward and took off right as I moved into a two point. He jumped more high than wide, but nevertheless, we cleared the jump with room to spare.

Once we landed cleanly on the other side, Apollo shook his head and bucked happily. Looks like his confidence had come back in a storm.

I took him over a few more jumps just to make sure, but Apollo was ready to go.

" Good boy! " I spoke as I patted his neck, bringing him to a halt beside Jake and Luna.

" That looked good " Jake spoke, but his eyes were on Blair and Hugo, who were circling in front of the jump in a canter.

" She could've taken that jump a few minutes ago, she's stalling "

I giggled lightly. " I wouldn't worry about it... "

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