Chapter 20:

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Ashleigh's POV:

It would seem I'm going to be a future third wheeler. It's Monday morning and I had just seen Evelyn and Jake race out of the stables. I couldn't help but to let out a giggle as I see Eve's mother ransacking the barn, most likely looking for her daughter. Beauty was on some cross ties at the back of the barn and so far, we haven't been bothered by other riders. After our performance at the Twin-Bay Horse Show, all those complaints suddenly didn't matter and Darla was apologising on behalf of the Holloway's. They didn't even take the time out of their day to do it themselves. I scoffed, they're too prideful to do such a thing.

"Miss Sutton? I don't suppose you know my daughter has run off to?" I'm taken by surprise when Evelyn's Mum acknowledges me.

"I believe she's taken one of the new horses out for a ride Mrs Holloway" I lie knowing she would be mad hearing the truth. She hates Evelyn doing anything but dressage and maybe a little bit of cross country practice.

"Oh really, which one?" Her voice perks and she immediately has a bright smile on her face.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm unfamiliar with their names..." I trail off, trying to hide the fact that I don't even know what these horses look like.

"It must be Florence, she's the only one I haven't seen in the stables yet" Mrs Holloway comments. She looks at my outfit with a criticism, observing it slowly. I'm not sure what it was but it almost seemed like I saw approval in her eyes.

"Lovely choice of clothing Miss Sutton, and please call me Chérry" she praises before examining Beauty next. I was once again surprised, why was she being nice to me? Was this all because she was in a good mood with her daughter or because my clothing choice wasn't hideous?

"Lacey may be a good fit for New Moon, but perhaps that's not the case anymore. Brilliant job with him at the show, you two will make a good team" Mrs Holloway assesses before picking up her ringing phone and excusing herself. I turn to face Beauty who stares at me with a knowing look.

"Stop being a hypocrite, you would've done the same thing if you were in my shoes" I giggle as he nudges me lightly. I quickly send Evelyn a message giving her the heads up about what I've told her mum. As I glance at the time I couldn't help but to groan in frustration, my lunch break was nearly over so I had to go back to mucking stalls. How thrilling?


Evelyn and Jake still weren't back by the time my shift was over. My last job for today was to exercise Florence, the horse I said Evelyn was riding. I had found her settling down in one of the smaller paddocks alone and didn't quite understand why they wanted her ridden today. She seemed to be quiet enough and not making a fuss.

But just seconds after I got on her I quickly figured out the mare had plenty of energy to burn. I rode her away from the barn out towards some open fields hidden by sloping hills where no one would spy on us. The mare had spunk, eagerly wanting to go towards one of the cross country jumps. I laughed and circled her, making sure she settle into her surroundings.

After she had warmed up properly I galloped her around and over some hills for pure fun. She seemed to be loving the day out stretching her legs and once our time was up I felt disappointed that we had to go back. After this ride, I knew I was definitely bringing Beauty up here, it would help his endurance too. Upon riding back to the barn I received a text from Evelyn. Since Florence wasn't as hyper anymore, I trusted her enough to text Evelyn back while riding. 

Evelyn: Okay, well I think I'll be trail riding Hugo for a bit longer. If she asks where I am later just say you saw me arrive back at the barn before disappearing again. She'll flip if she hears I'm practicing cross country or trail riding. My mums weird like that, she's obsessed with dressage );

Me: Oh trust me I know :D I'm in a dilemma though because I'm riding Florence right now and Hugo is with you... What if your mums sees us on the way back in? Also how's the romantic ride going with Jake? Lol

Evelyn: Lol, it's not a romantic ride!! If she sees you just tell her the truth, it was added into your timetable to exercise her. As for Hugo, just say he was in the field last time you saw him.

Me: Oh yeah! Thanks Eve, and good luck with Jake, I'll see you later :P

Evelyn: Lol, talk to you later!

As expected both of Evelyn's parents were lurking around the stables. They had been talking to one of the girls who shook their head no. Mrs Holloway must have caught site of me and rushed over. Florence's ears perked up watching the commotion with interest.

"Miss Sutton, I thought Evelyn had already taken Florence out today" she crosses her arms and raises her eye brows.

"She did ma'am, Florence however was getting restless and my timetable stated I had to exercise her" I partially lie, it was true that I had to exercise her today. The restless part, not so much.

"I understand. Have you seen Evelyn, she's due for a hair styling appointment later today and I can't seem to find her" Mrs Holloway sighs tapping her foot impatiently.

"There's no need to apologise Mrs-" I quickly correct myself when she sends me a stern look.

"-Chérry, I'm sure she's around the stables somewhere..."

"Perhaps dear, go ahead and cool that horse down, she's now one of Holloway Stables most valuable assets" Mrs Holloway states shooing me towards the barn. I sigh once I enter the barn, if Mrs Holloway was more relaxed then her daughter wouldn't be avoiding her.

As I put Florence on the cross ties I take in her features and conformation. The mare was definitely gorgeous, her coat was shining and she had a cute face, but the thing that stood out the most was that fiery look in her eyes. Evelyn was going to have her hands full with this one if they don't end up clicking. And somehow I knew they won't, not unless Evelyn keeps an open mind about riding her.

I shook my head feeling bad for Eve, I wouldn't like to be in her situation either... Not being about to decide the fate of your own horse must kill her. In some way I guess we had a mutual understanding of how we felt about our families. Releasing a sigh I start to brush Florence aimlessly, she was already clean but I thought it would be a nice treat to pamper her. But soon enough I find myself immersed in a conversation with Tina who had started to groom her horse Surfer next to Florence.  The girl knew how to pick up my bland mood, having me already excited for our next show.

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