Chapter 16:

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Ashleigh's POV

"Hey, I got us some drinks by the way so just choose what ever. As for food, do you want the chicken or meatball sub" I ask enthusiastically walking into the barn where the horses were kept.

But when I saw the look on Evelyn's face I knew something was wrong. I had just seen her parents walk out of the barn shortly followed by leach Lacey, yeah I know, I'm real mature. She sent me one of those condescending smiles before vanishing into thin air.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.

"Hugo's being difficult and my parents suck, not to mention Lacey just happened to show up as well" Evelyn stated glaring at the wall.

"Don't worry about what they're saying, you doing great, your in first place all round. You can't get any better then that" I state. I found myself in third place earlier, behind that Jake guy. If I win the next round, cross country, those points alone will help me overtake his position. If he comes second in cross country though, and our times are really similar, then we will both be the runner ups in preliminary. I didn't really mind, as long as we don't screw up then we should be fine.

"It's not that, they were here to discuss something else..." Evelyn says trailing off looking at anything but me.

"And that would be?" I press going to pat Hugo who flattened his ears and turned away from me.

"I don't know how to say this Ash but my parents got complaints but two people, we can guess who that is, and they're considering giving Beauty a new rider, Lacey..." Eve says grimacing and sending me an apologetic look.

"Oh..." I said looking down at me feet almost embarrassed, I couldn't even keep a horse for 2 weeks. I wasn't surprised though, Beauty deserved a better rider, I did my research after the show jumping. Lacey Dumar, she had a long list of wins and articles all about her online. How much of a good person she was, her controversial changing of stables, and much more. But there were also some bad things like why she changed barns so often. Maybe there was more to it then Eve's pure hatred for Lacey abandoning Beauty for something better.

"I asked them to give you the rest of the summer to prove you're better suited to Beauty then Lacey. You really need to win the cross country Ash, I know you want to take it easy with Beauty but you really need to win. This is one of the rare occasions my parents come to actually watch, you need to give them a good impression" Evelyn says, trying to convince me.

"What's the point Evelyn? I'll be leaving at the end of summer to head back home so it doesn't even matter. It's not like I haven't had a horse taken off of me before" I state sadly thinking back to my mare Venus who I had leased for all of my eventing career, and even before then.

It was weird competing without her but hopefully I get enough winnings this summer. Then I could secretly lease her back in fall or winter since I can drive myself soon. Otherwise my parents wouldn't allow it and tell me to put it aside for college or something lame. I always dreamed of buying her but I didn't have that kind of money, we would need a sponsor so I could afford her upkeep. The dark brown mare had with a stipe down her face which was accompanied by a beautiful nature. She never got antsy or had the mare mean streak unless something was bothering her.

"Puh-lease, like I'm letting some brat come back into my barn and flick off my closest friend just like that" Evelyn says rolling her eyes.

"If I refuse to let up they'll give in, I don't do it a lot but it should work" she continues crossing her arms.

"Thanks Eve but I don't know... I think Beauty would be better off with her, they already share such a close bond. I can't compete with that, it's no use" I sigh sitting down outside Beauty's stall on his tack trunk.

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