31. Jeremy

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Solane probably thinks I couldn't see her changing, but I could. That makes me a creep, right? I don't care though. Well I'm trying not to at least. It's hard to not care with her. I had watched her from the side view mirror of the car.

Now that it's daytime, her scar is much easier to see. It's bigger than it seemed last night. God.

Solie and I continue to walk through the forest. Her form cannot be any more perfect. Now that her hair is tied up and out of her face, I can see how sharp her jawline is.

We soon come across a bench near what seems to be a rest stop. There's a bathroom and an ice cream truck. Only a few kids are running around while about two grandparents, obviously married, wait in line to buy a cone for them.

I sit down at the bench and Solie sits right next to me. We both look up at the beautiful blue sky.

"You suck at writing poems," Solane smiles. Her words catch me by surprise. How does she know...?

"I took your little book of poems," she continues. Did she just read my mind? Can she hear what I'm thinking right now?

"No, I can't read your mind. But I can read your facial expressions." Oh okay. That makes total sense. I try to snatch the book from her hands, but she's too fast and moves her hand farther away from me so I can't reach it.

Then, she bites her lip and does a barely audible chuckle. She really knows my weaknesses. I get up and make a second attempt at getting my book back but she gets up and runs away from me laughing. She's very fast. Faster than when she tried to get away from me a few days ago. It must have been because she was tired. But now that she's all rested up and her energy levels are full, I think it's safe to say she could definitely beat the Flash in a race.

I dash after her. There's really no point in me trying, because I'm too slow. Gasping for air, I sit criss cross on the pavement. Solie sees me stopping and laughs even harder. "Wow, for a robber, I expected a lot better."

I love how she doesn't use my past against me. She makes it seem like what I did was an innocent joke.

Solie runs back towards me and sits down close beside me. Then she starts reading one of my poems aloud.

"No ideas, no more thoughts, through emptiness, a black space," she starts saying as her face changes from playful to serious. Oh no. This is the poem I wrote when I got stuck in this whole Harrison mess. She's going to know something's up.

I try to grab the book from her one more time but she just uses her left hand to keep me away and moves her right one up in the air so I can't reach it. It's like she just has to finish reading it.

"He cannot think, he has no more say, nothingness, he cannot get away. What a life for a fortunate one." Solie puts her hands down and scrunches her eyebrows. "What does this mean? What happened?"

I try to lie. "Nothing..." Solie's sadness is weakening me. Her hands somehow become folded across her chest and her eyes somehow show me confusion, anger, and concern.

"It was honestly nothing... Don't get bothered by it." Once again, I try to be as reassuring as possible, but I can tell that Solie can see right past all my lies. She relaxes her facial muscles, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath.

Then, she gets up, and starts walking towards a telephone booth. I watch her walk. What is she doing? "Tell me the truth about that poem, or else I'm calling the police." I'm in complete shock at her words. Things like this only happen in movies. She can't really be serious, can she?

Just like that she dials emergency services. "Solie, stop!" I yell getting up from my position on the floor and rushing towards her. "Are you gonna tell me what happened?" Solie has demand and strength in her voice. I love it.

"Well...?!" I shake my head as I get closer to her. Though, she already started talking. "My name is Solane Royal and I've been kidna-" I slam the phone back on its stand before she can finish her sentence.

"What the hell Solie! I'm going to get arrested because of you! Come on, we need to leave here right now." My hands grab Solie's arm so quickly that it looks like I was going to rip her arm off, maybe even kidnap her again.

She pulls away from me and takes a few steps back. I swing around to face her. Why in God's name would she jeopardize everything? Just because she wants to know something about me that she's better off not knowing? I should probably be mad, but her intentions were for the better.

I snap out of my thoughts as soon as I realize that Solie has moved closer towards me and was now hugging me. Her head rests softly on my chest and a strand of her hair finds its way into my mouth. It tastes exactly how it smelled. Like coconuts and chocolate. I'm not really sure how I can taste that, but I can.

"I know I'm just some random girl that you picked up to join you on your escape from reality, but I want you to know that I'm here. And even though I know you could kill me any second, I'll still listen to what you have to say. It's not healthy to bottle up your feelings...", Solane says while continuing to stay on my chest locked in that hug.

Some random girl? I hate the sound of that, especially when she says it. Solie isn't some "random girl" that I just "picked up" or some person who I kidnapped so I could rape her, or whatever. She's so much more than that and she doesn't even know.

The feeling of her heartbeat on me is the most soothing thing ever. I observe how it speeds up after she says that. Is she afraid of my reaction? Is she afraid of me?

We hug in silence for the next minute or two. Is it wrong the moment, everything seems so right? I never want to end it, but I have to remember that while I was still stuck in the Harrison situation, there could be no feelings involved.

Ending our hug, I resume pulling her away from the rest stop, but an opposing force pulls me back into Solie.

She hauls me back in her arms by tugging on my shirt and somehow our lips become locked on each other. Her soft, full, pink lips are locked on mine and her arms wrap around my neck. Initiative makes me drag her waist closer into mine. I can feel her racing heartbeat again and im sure she can feel mine mimicking hers as well. She parts her lips giving me room to slip in some tongue. At this point, I'm feeling so many things that can't be prevented. Intimacy. Infatuation. Attachment. Devotion. Passion. Desire. Everything that has happened in the last few days feels like it was all leading up to now.

Because of Solane's height, she has to stand on her toes to reach me. I can't get enough of her. But every wonderful moment has to come to an end at some point.

She pulls away from my lips but keeps her head eased up on mine. Our noses are touching and she still has her arms on my shoulders as she bites her lip for almost the third time today. She's definitely nervous. "You can tell me. I'm not going to judge you."

I take some deep breaths to calm down and get back into reality. Solie does the same and our breaths became entangled once again.

I want more of everything about her.

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