Chapter1 PASTAAA

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"~Vee! Look at me Germany!!" I said hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Germany told me we could go to the park today!
"Italy! Please be careful." Germany sighed, I continue laughing and hanging upside down. He started over to me I guess cause he was tired if worrying so he could catch me if I fell, but I fell before he could get there I hit my head on the grassy and dirt bedded ground. It knocked the air out of me. Watery, warm, blue, tears welled up in my honey colored orbs. "G-G-G-G-Germany!" I started to sob. He sprinted over toward me he squatted down beside me.
"Italy I told you to be careful." Germany sighed, I looked up at him tears streaming down my face. He picked me up saying "Up ve go." My legs are wrapped around his waist my arms around his neck and my chin is resting on his shoulder sobbing as quietly as I could. "Italy?" He said softly I raised my chin off of his shoulder and looked at him still sobbing. "Y-Yes?" I responded
"Do you vant to make pasta for dinner?" Asked Germany softly looking into my caramel orbs with his blue ones.
"PASTAAA!" I said happily "Of course I want-a to make-a pasta!"
"Thought so!" He said smiling. Yay I made Germany smile!

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