Chapter37 Italys Drunken singing

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•Germany's POV•
I voke vith a killer hangover "How much did I drink?" I whispered to myself. I heard singing from Italy's room drunken singing. So I vent to his room and stood in the doorway his back was facing me he was drunkenly shaking his ass and singing.
"My pasta brings all the Germans in the yard and their like it's better than yours, damn right it's better than yours I could teach you, but I have to charge." He sang drunkenly still shaking his ass, I watched him smiling Germany stop it don't be thinking like zhat he's drunk you can't and will not take advantage of him.. I scolded myself in my thoughts.
"Is zhere any other Germans I need to vorry about you cheating on me vith?" I asked teasingly smiling.
He turned around his face burned bright red. "N-No! Germany! I would-a never chest on you!." He said in between hiccups.
"Nein, Italy I vas just kidding." I replied walking over zhere kissing his head.
"Oh ok!" He said "I'm so embarrassed!"
"Don't be I thought it vas very adorable, and you do 'bring a German to the yard' his name is Germany." I said chuckling.
"Ve~" he sighed and wrapped his arms around my back and laid his head on my chest. I smiled softly.
"Go to sleep my dear Italy." I whispered as he started breathing deeply he soon fell asleep. I laid down vith him. Once he got into the bed he immediately started searching for me in his sleep. I crawled in bed vith him, he found me and latched onto my side snuggling to me. I put my hand in his hair and played in his soft auburn brown hair. I fell asleep.
•Hungary's POV•
"C'mon Japan they're asleep!" I whisper shouted.
"I'm coming." He replied we both had our cameras, this was the perfect yaoi opportunity!
We got in and we both looked at each other and mouthed 'awe'. At the sight; Italy's whole torso and head was on Germany's chest, Germany had his hand in his hair. And his other arm was around Italy's torso holding Italy to his chest. He had a smile plastered on his lips. We snapped many pictures. Then left.
"It's nice seeing Mr. Germany-chan smire, he doesn't smire much the only time he smires is when Ita-chan is around. And just so you know I carred it!"Japan says with a smile, I giggle.
[{this chapter is dedicated to @Xxcixanimexxx sorry if I wrote it wrong. You know who you are :) that song Italy sang is hers she made it up!}]

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