Chapter8 Prussia and Germanys Talk

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•Germany POV•

They all left except Prussia, Italy, and I. Italy's back was turned he was waving the allies away.. Vith his white flag. Only Italy I thought as I stared and smiled at him. Prussia seemed to notice my staring at him.

"Bruder?" Prussia said inquiring my attention

"Hm?" I replied being dragged away from my thoughts

"Vhy are you staring at Italia like zhat?" He asked

"Vhat do you mean?" I asked good thing Italy wasn't paying any attention to us. He vent up stairs to take a shower.

"Like you have longing in your eyes." Said Prussia with a smile

"I have no idea vhat you're talking bout bruder." I snapped going upstairs

"You can't keep denying zhat you have feelings for Italy." Prussia said, and he vas right I hate it when he's right! I can't keep denying it. I shouldn't feel zhis way I can't be gay... Can I?

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