Chapter13 Attempting to wake up Italy

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•Germany's POV•

"Feli, vake up." I whispered in Italy's ear trying to wake him up for training.

"Mph. No." Italy whined and turned over in the covers.

Japan knocked on the door. "Ja?" I answered "vho is it?" I looked at the door.

"It's Japan. Germany do you need herp waking up Itary up?" Japan asked with his accent his ls would sound like rs.

"Come in Japan, and ja I do need some help." I said in defeat Italy is very hard to wake up in the mornings. Especially for training. Japan came in. "Hey Japan." I said

"Herro Germany." Japan greeted me. "What do I need to do? To help."

"I don't know, but I will come and get you if I need you." I said to Japan he nodded and smiled mysteriously. That's strange Japan doesn't smile like that..... What could possibly be going through his strange little mind? I shrugged and continued my attempt to wake Italy up.

"Feliciano. Vake up it's almost time for training." I whispered a little louder in his ear.

"Mph." Italy said once more and rolled even snugger into the blankets making him into a blanket burrito. I sighed that's it playing Mr. Nice German isn't working. I got away from his ear and said; "Italy! Vake up now." I demanded, he just rolled over into the covers more. That's it I was really tired of this crap now. "ITALIA!!!" I shouted angrily "VAKE UP NOW!!"

This made him roll out of bed scared he hit the floor vith a thump. He looked at me with hurt eyes I can see that now I hurt him. His caramel eyes opened vhich they never do really with tears in them.. He got up and ran to the bathroom. "Italy.." I trailed off trying to apologize, but he was in the bathroom fore I got a chance.

•Italy's POV•

I hit the floor to Germany's yell telling me to WAKE UP. He was very angry with me. I opened my eyes which I don't do all that much. I knew tears were in them. I ran to the bathroom even though Germany was trying to-a apologize to me. I sat on the toilet lid with my head in hands tears were falling through the cracks between my fingers. There was a soft knock on the door. "Italy.. Look I'm sorry for yelling at you." Germany said trying to apologize.

"Ve~ Germany I'm-a okay! I promise." I said trying to get control over myself

"Ok, breakfast is downstairs Japan just got done cooking it. I'll see you in zhe kitchen." Said Germany I heard him leaving. I got dressed and left the bathroom.

"Japan!!" I said happily hugging him, he threw me off as usual.

"Hi, Ita-chan I'm sorry but I have to have my personal space." Japan said apologetic

I got up and dusted myself off and sat down Germany was standing up as soon as I was about to sit down. Germany snaked his arm around my waist and hugged me "I'm sorry Italy I didn't mean to hurt your feeling this morning." Germany said

"Ve~ it's-a ok Germany I'm fine now!" I said happily blushing, Japan smiled knowingly at us. Germany let me go and I sat down he sat beside me and we started eating.

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