Chapter14 Training

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•Italy's POV•

After breakfast Japan pulled me aside.
"Ciao!! Japan!" I greeted him happily "do you need something?"
"Herro Italy, I have a question for you." Said Japan
"Ve~ ok what is it?" I asked
"Are you and Germany a couple?" He asked
"Ve~ yes we are Japan!" I said my face turning scarlet
"That's great I arways knew you two wourd be a great coupre!" He said ecstatically.
How would he know?? What's going through that country's head?? I asked myself.
"O-ok!" I said a little creeped out
"Italy! Japan! C'mon let's start running!" Shouted Germany at us
I nodded and started running after awhile I got behind as usual and I was running slower and slower. Germany noticed and decided to slow down to me and he started jogging with me.

•Germany's POV•

I noticed Italy lagging behind me and Japan. So I lagged behind to and jogged with him.
"Hey Italy." I said to the smaller country
"Ve~ ciao Germany." He greeted me happily taking in my appearance. "Why do we have to run so much?"
"It'll make you a stronger country in wars." I said
"But Germany can't we all be friends and have peace? Not war?" Asked Italy, there's something I have to admire about my liebe he's so sweet and caring he puts everyone else before himself.
"I vish Feli I really do, but we all can't be like zhat I'm sorry." I said truly apologetic
"Oh... You will never hurt my country will you?" He asked looking at me
"Nein, never I vould never harm you or your country." I said
He looked at me unsure. Like he didn't trust it.
"Italy, I vould never hurt you or your country.. Vhy vould you even think something like that?" I asked extremely hurt
"I was just curious.." He trailed off, I'd had enough of that kind of talk I stopped running and pulled him to my chest. "Ich liebe dich." I whispered in his ear "and don't you forget it."
"Ti amo, and I won't." He said burying his face in my shirt. Then a blinding flash went across both of us. I looked up and saw Japan vith a camera running faster than I had ever seen him run.

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