Chapter35 Date night

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•Germany's POV•
Italy laid zhere on my chest asleep. His curl is still a heart. I smiled softly at zhis. I kissed his head.
"Ve~" He sighed I looked at zhe time it vas 8:00p.m.
"Italy, it's time to get up." I whispered in his ear. He stirred, but fell back asleep.
"Feli, c'mon wake up. It's time to go on our date." I said a little louder shaking him gently vith my hand. He finally voke up.
"I've-a got to-a get dressed!" He exclaimed jumping up and running upstairs.
I vent upstairs myself to get dressed I put on a black tank top and jeans. I vent back downstairs to see Italy in; a red t-shirt and jeans. I valked up to him. "Ready to go?" I asked
"Sí." He replied.
We got in zhe car and drove to zhe bar.
~~~~~time skip by; Hungary and Japan are switching photos~~~~~~~~~~~
•Italy's POV•
We-a finally got to the bar. I'm-a so excited! Germany walked around the car and opened the door for me. "You're such a gentleman." I smiled happily and kissed his cheek. He blushed lightly.
"Danke." He replied blushing lightly still. I-a walked over there and took his hand. He blushed but held my hand back intertwining our fingers.
Some men passed us they gave us weird looks one stopped in front of us. "Faggots! You shouldn't even be legal!!" He practically screamed in my face. I started to cry. Germany saw the tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'm-" Germany started to say but was interrupted by that man.
"Oh little faggot baby gunna cry?" He asked making fun of me Germany had, had enough. When he saw I started to cry harder.
•Germany's POV•
I had, had enough of zhis man. He made Italy cry. I let go of Italy's hand he crossed his arms over his chest and continued to sob into zhem. I got in zhat mans face.
"WHO ZHE FUCK DO YOU ZHINK YOU ARE?!" I demanded yelling in his face.
"How about I just take your pretty faced boy here." He said edging toward Italy. Fuck no!
"LEAVE FELICIANO OUT OF ZHIS YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU DON'T TOUCH HIM!! AND YOU ESPECIALLY MAKE HIM CRY AND ZHEN TOUCH HIM!! I VILL KILL YOU IF YOU HURT HIM AGAIN!!" I yelled grabbing the man by zhe collar of his shirt and slamming him into the bar wall. I looked him up and down smirking angrily at his trembling in fear body. I saw pee running down his pants leg. Hah! He pissed himself! I put him down valking back to Italy.
"Feli are you ok?" I asked lifting his chin up looking in his tear filled eyes.
"N-N-No.." He sobbed, I picked him up vithout another vord making sure his legs wrapped around my waist. He vas clinging onto me like a little kid. I vas holding him like a toddler. His head on my shoulder he buried his face in zhe crook of my neck sobbing. His arms around my broad shoulders and around my neck.
"Sh~ Feli, zhe horrible excuse for a human being is gone." I vhispered.
A voman valks up to me, looking at us vith a adoring look in her eyes.
"Hello." She said quietly
"Sh~ Feli it's ok." I whispered to him. "Hi." I replied to zhe voman.
"I just came over to say sticking up for your boyfriend like that was really nice of you." She said
"Zhat's vhat I'm supposed to do. No one makes him cry." I replied
"Yeah, you two are adorable together! And your boyfriend is really adorable." She told me.
"Danke, and I know." I said still holding Italy like a toddler.
"That's all I wanted to say." She said and left.
"Feli?" I whispered in his ear.
"Ve~ Luddy." He answered
"Do you vant to go home?" I asked
"No I want to stay here and drink with you Luddy." He replied his voice a little rough from crying.
"I vould stay home vith you Feli. I vouldn't leave you home vhile I vent out and drank." I said which earned 'awes!' From zhe ladies behind us.
"Please Luddy?" He begged looking at me vith his hazel honey colored eyes.
"Fine." I gave in.
"Yay! Thank you Luddy!" He said happily and he surprised me by kissing me softly on zhe lips. I kissed back hugging him. I put him down.
"C'mon let's get something to drink." I said taking his hand and intertwining our fingers.
~many many many MANY MANY MANY MANY drinks later~
Ich texted Japan
Germany: ldjdifuhridusywia):8:85&:@;:&jdkksngkfb Ich liebe Italy
Japan: I'll be there in 5

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