Chapter38 The Voice is Back

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•Hungary's POV•

Man.. I'd hate to argue with Japan about who 'called it' first, but it's true if Germany is HRE then I 'called it' first. I smiled to myself as I finished making HREs clothes so they can fit Germany. "Finally it's done!" I said in happiness to myself "HRE can comeback now." I smiled to myself

•Germany's POV•

"Germany." A soft vomans voice voke me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes not knowing vho it vas I pulled my silver pistol from under zhe pillow. I pointed it at her holding hovering over Italy protecting him.

"It's me Hungary don't shoot." She replied.

"Oh, sorry Hungary.. Didn't me to.. I mean I... Didn't..." I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence she held up a hand to silence me.

"It's alright Germany... The suit is done." She said. I nodded. And got up I kissed Italy's head and then his soft cheek. I got up, the voice annoyingly came back. 'Germany go put on the outfit.' Zhe voice told me

"Dammit, vhy did you come back?" I asked zhe voice mentally

'Go put on the robe/cape and the ascot and the cravat hat with the gold trimming.' Zhe voice commanded.

"Vhat do you zhink I'm doing?" I asked zhe voice

'Good Germany and I saw who-a made him cry!' Zhe voice shouted kinda sounding like Italy, but not.

"Italy?! Is zhat you?!" I asked zhe voice mentally

'No! I'm not Italy!' It answered

"Zhen vho zhe hell are you?!" I demanded

'You'll find out soon enough!' It answered 'now go try on the freaking outfit!'

"Fine! I'm going!" I answered

"Germany? Are you going?" Asked Hungary

"Ja, I'm going to try on zhe outfit. Please Miss. Hungary don't let Italy come in zhere I don't want him zhinking I'm Holy Rome.." I told her

"Of course." She replied.

I went into a bathroom and changed into it my hair was in my face. I looked into the mirror... Someone knocked on zhe door. "Germany it's me Hungary can I see what you look like?" She asked

"Sure." I said and opened zhe door, she gasped and began tearing up.

"You're him!" She whispered shouted

"Vho? And vhy are you crying?!" I asked questions.

"They're tears of joy! You're The Holy Roman Empire!" She whisper shouted.

I had a flash back suddenly.

•Flash back!•

I jumped on zhe bed and rolled around on it "she's-a here! I can't believe it she's here in my-a house!" I said happily.

"Get ahold of yourself!" Austria commanded.


My mouth opened. I couldn't believe it! I am Zhe Holy Roman Empire.. I'm zhe reason for Italy's tears.. I thought to myself in horror.

"I am him.." I whispered "I'm the reason for his tears.."

"Don't worry dear your back!" She whispered to me.

"Please leave Miss. Hungary so I can change." I asked she left and shut the door I locked the door tears rolled down my cheeks.

'Now I will tell you who I am' the voice stated

"Vho are you?" I asked

'I am you. I'm The Holy Roman Empire.' The voice told me

I changed back into my clothes as I finally understood. I went back to Italy and hugged him he's still asleep. "I'm sorry mien liebe.. I didn't mean to make you cry, but I'm back again as I promised." I whispered to him.

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