Chapter36 Drunk Italy and Germany

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•Japan's POV•

I warked into the bar. I retrieved Mr. Germany-chan and Ita-San. We arr got in the car. Germany-chan sat in the back with Itary. He purred Ita-San into his lap. They drunkenry sang. Both their nationar anthems. I laughed at them.

Italy soon fell asleep against Germany-chans chest his curl in the shape of a heart. Germany ended up nodding off himself he rested his chin on Itarys head. I took a quick picture. As soon as we got home.

I woke them up.

•Germany's POV•

I voke up at home vith Italy in my lap. I carried him into Austria and Hungary's house.

"Awe, look who's tired.." Hungary cooed

"Childish." Said Austria who is very jealous when someone else gets awed at by Hungary.

I carried him up to his room. And placed him in bed. He cuddled to a pillow instantly.

"Guten nachet." I whispered drunkenly to Italy.

I vent up to my room and I had a sudden urge to start singing. So I did.

"My wursts bring all zhe Italians in zhe yard zheir like it's better zhan your damn right it's better than yours I could teach you, but I have to charge!" I sang and then drunkenly passed out.

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