Chapter15 Romano

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•Romano's POV•

I was going to check on my fratello, when I saw the potato bastard holding fratello!! Italy was smiling... It's been awhile since he smiled like that.. He hasn't smiled like that not since Holy Rome... I can't see him cry again I have to protect him from the potato bastard!!
"What the hell do you think you're doing with my fratello?!" I demanded angrily I pushed the two apart getting in front of Italy, who now was blushing fiercely.
"...." Italy stayed silent. Germany on the other hand was silent, but glaring at me if looks could kill.. I thought to myself.
"He was happy right where he was!" Said Germany angrily and staring at me the way Holy Rome did me when I got between him and Feli... Now that I think of it he looks an awful lot like Holy Rome. The blonde hair... The electric blue eyes.. Could it be?? No! No! The potato bastard couldn't be Holy Rome... Could he? No! He couldn't.. I said to myself getting my thoughts back on the situation at hand.
"I don't care! I don't want you touching him!!" I shouted
"What?! Why?! Are you jealous Romano??" Asked Germany with a sly smile.
"No!! Of course not!! I just don't want you to hurt him.. I can't see him hurt like that again.. I can't see him hurt like he was by Holy Rome again... Ever!!." I said, Spain came up and took my hand.
"Calm down, ok?" asked Spain calmly and kissed my cheek.
"You and Spain Romano?" Asked Italy
"Yes." I sighed and left blushing damn it I didn't want him to find out like this... In fact I didn't want him to find out at all!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fratello: brother.
Hey guys!! Just got over my writers block thanks you guys!!! :) I love all my fans, readers, voters, and followers!! (^_^)/

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