Chapter17 Memories

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It vas 10:30 P.M now and I decided to go through some of my things to have a look at some old memories, some good. Some bad. I sat down on the floor legs crisscrossed. I picked up the tomato box from when I first met Italy. I smiled to myself, remembering how he said he was the 'tomato box fairy'.
I examined the box and put it down smiling, I then picked up a white flag that Italy of course made when Japan, Italy, and I were trapped on.
I put down the flag and my eyes came across the box I've never opened cause I thought it was some of Prussia's crap that he left here. I got curious so I opened it, the contents inside was a black robe, a black cravat hat it was gold lined around the shape of it, an oil painting of a little girl asleep she was a maid, a push broom.
I smiled at the oil painting of the little girl asleep, I remember her vaguely from my childhood... I realized that I don't remember much of my childhood. Oh well, I shrugged my shoulders. I looked at the push broom, it made me smile I don't know why... I picked the hat with the gold lining around it up and the black cape up. All these things strangely tugged at my heart strings especially the oil painting, and the push broom. Why do I feel sad all the sudden? I thought.
I heard my door open, and a little voice say "Doitsu? Why do you have all that stuff?! That's Holy Rome's stuff!" It was Italy I looked at him his eyes were open, widely I might add that's not normal. To top it all off he looked horrified, wait did he just say Holy Rome's stuff?!
"Italy vhat are you talking about?" I asked freaking out on the inside.
"That! That push broom was mine! I gave it to him before he left for war! That oil painting of me it's his! The robe and hat is his! Why do you have his stuff?!" He demanded
"Italy I have no idea vhat you're talking about." I said
"Do you remember a little girl? From your childhood?" He asked me with a desperate look in his eyes.
"I... No... Truth is I can't remember much of anything at all from my child hood." I confessed
"Where and how and why, did you get those things?" He asked now with his eyes closed his voice was soft and strained calm sounding, his fist balled up into tight fist at his sides.
"I-I-I don't know Feli. Zhey were in my zhings always have been. I have no idea how zhey got zhere." I told him truthfully
"I-I'm going to bed." He said abruptly I saw a tear rolling down his left cheek, then more down both as he was leaving.
"Feli! Vait!" I begged, but he kept walking I put my head in hands. Trying to figure this mess out.
"Germany-San-..." Japan said but stopped in mid sentence seeing the position I was in "I'rr just be going now.." He turned on his heel and left me there.

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