Chapter26 Tour of the house

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•Hungary's POV•

I sat there talking with Germany in whisper voices.
"Ya want to know something else?" I whispered
"Sure.." He replied quietly not wanting to wake Italy.
"You protect Italy just like HRE would." I told him.
"Really?" He asked rubbing Italy's back.
"Really." I told him.
"Zhat's good. He's zhe only one zhat can make me smile and laugh and happy truly.." He whispered a blush painting his cheeks.
Italy started to cry in his sleep, Germany noticed before I did. He lifted his chin up gently with his fingers "Italy, vake up you're only dreaming. It's ok I'm here." He said
Italy opened his eyes and clung to Germany. He cried more. "Italy vhat's vrong?!"
"It's just-a dream." He whispered in relief
"Sh, it's ok Italy." Said Germany holding Italy to his chest.
"Ve~ I know. I'm glad you are here, I dreamed you died and left me." He whispered to Germany.
"I vould never leave you. You know zhat. Nothing vould take me away from you." Germany said reassuringly. This made me smile. I ship them so hard!
Italy nodded and wiped away his tears.
"Italy?" I said he looked at me. "Why don't you give him the tour?"
"Ve~ ok!" Italy said his mood changing rapidly. He pulled on Germany's hand trying to make him get up, but he couldn't pull the big country up no matter how hard he tried. Germany had a ghost of a smile on his face. He got up and took Italy's hand, knowing that's what he wanted.
"C'mon Germany!" Italy said happily, I smiled.
"Ok." He said lead the way.

•Italy's POV•
I first took Germany to the kitchen.
"This is the kitchen!" I said leading him around it and then we left that room.
~~~~time skip by; "marmite have you seen my pony?" Asked a lil girl "yes, I ate him."~~~~~~
I showed him every room in the house except for two. Mine and.... Holy Rome's room.. I don't think I can bear going in there.
"And this is-a my room!" I said happily showing him my room.
"It's very adorable." Germany replied
"Thanks!!" I said
I caught Germany's eyes wandering to the door next to my room. "Vhat about zhat room?" He asked curiosity in his voice and eyes.
"It's not-a important.." I lied
"Italy, I can tell it's important to you. Don't try and lie to me. I know you." He said staring deep into my eyes he was right!
"It's-a Holy Rome's room." I said sadly I would not cry in front of Germany.
"Italy, we don't have to go in zhere." He said hugging me close, I understand.
"Thanks Germany..." I whispered
"No problem." He replied kissing my hair.
This is the least I can do for Doitsu, I mean he did admit he was jealous. So maybe I should show him. His room, after all it might not be as hard with-a Germany here with me. Ok I'll do it!
I started to leave the room. "Vhere are you going?" He asked
"Follow me." I replied holding out my hand for him. He took it.
"Come on. I'll show you Holy Rome's room." I said
"Italia you don't have to." He said
"I know, but I want to." I said "I have you with-a me I'll be fine."
"If you're sure." He said "I don't want to put you into any pain."
"I'm positive [{not like that!!}]" I replied.
"Ok, let's go." He said, I nodded and lead him to Holy Rome's room.
When we went into the room, seeing all the memories pained me.
"Italy, do we need to leave?" Asked Germany concerned, I shook my head.
I walked over to the bed tears coming to my eyes and spilling over. He followed. "Italy don't force yourself." Said Germany hugging me suddenly from behind stroking my hair avoiding my curl comfortingly.
"I have to-a do this for myself and for you!" I said
"Italy, you don't have to prove anything you to me are the strongest country I know. All zhe pain you've went through with you being picked on and losing Holy Rome. Italy I need you to be your happy go lucky self. Not anyone or anything else. Just be you." Said Germany kissing me gently, I kissed back loving the soft feel of his lips.
"I know, but can we try this? Can we sleep in here tonight?" I asked
"Ja, of course." Replied Germany running his hand through his slicked back blonde hair. I fell asleep Germany held me to him.

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