Chapter28 Letters From Holy Rome

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I got up since I couldn't sleep. I woke Germany in the process. "Italy? Vhere are you going?" He asked sleepily

"Getting something to read and then I'll-a go back to bed ok." I said

"Ok, be careful please Italy." He whispered and fell asleep.

I walked next door to my old room. I opened the door, memories kept flooding back to my first day here.

•it's flash back time!!•

"Do you-a have pasta here?" I asked hopefully

"No." He replied snappily, tears welled in my eyes 'no pasta?' I thought 'how-a am I going to live without my pasta?'


I opened my old bedroom door. I went into my closet. I saw a box it hand Italy's letters engraved in the box. My breath hitched in my throat I knew what letters where in this box. I took a shaky deep breath and opened the box. I picked up a letter.

My darling Italy,

How are you? Is Mister Austria being nice to you? If not I can tell him to be nice. I miss you dearly. I know this is only my second letter I've wrote to you and we haven't been apart that long only a week. Seems more like for and eternity huh? When this war is over and I win this land I'll come back for you. I promise, I love you with all my heart. I wake up and feel homesick for you, but don't fret I use the push broom you gave me and I hear you voice and see you inside of my head.

When I come back you'll never want for nothing cause I'll give you everything you could ever wish.

I love you wait for me please..

With all the love in the world,

Holy Rome

As I read a tear slid down my cheek. I picked up another one this was his 10th letter to me..

My love Italy,

I'm sorry that I haven't wrote in awhile it's horrible out here, I can barely get myself to get up in the mornings, but then I think of your beautiful face I love so much of how it will be even more lovely when I return for you, that my darling is what gets me up in the mornings; you. I love you so much, you're still my most favorite person in the world. I'll love you forever, I'll see you when I get back my love.

I promise I'll be back!

We have true love our fate is tied by a red string tied onto each of our pinkies it can never break, or disappear. I love you forever and always,

Holy Rome.

My crying quietly had turned into loud sobs raking my body. I put the letters on the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest sobbing. I heard Germany's heavy footsteps as he ran down the hall, and lighter footsteps running down the hall Austria? I heard another pair of feet running lighter than all three running down the hall Hungary? I heard the door bust open "ITALIA!!" It was Germany's voice who greeted me. I opened my eyes still sobbing and looked at him, he was kneeling beside me. "Are you hurt?!" He asked worriedly, I shook my head no.

"Holy Rome again?" He asked, I nodded. He pulled me into his lap and rocked me back and fourth and murmured sweet little nothings in my ear that meant everything to me.

"Italy is everything all righ-.... Oh dear.." It was Hungary I looked at her barley able to see her cause of the tears that were blurring my eyes and streaming down my cheeks in sheets.

"What's going on in.. Here.." It was Mr. Austria

Mr. Austria and Hungary looked at the letters that were on the bed. "Oh sweet Italy.." She said sadly coming to me and sitting next to me on the bed, Germany stopped rocking me, as Hungary reached her arms out for me I raised my arms to her she took me immediately and rubbed my hair. "Sh~." She whispered rubbing my hair, she let me sob on her breast.

"It's his own fault for reading the letters." Said Austria with jealousy in his voice, I knew he had a thing for Miss. Hungary!

"It's ok Italy." Said Germany to me.

"Little darling Italy, it's alright sh~ it's ok." Whispered Hungary to me, she was like a mama to me. With her gentleness, kindness, loving to me. I fell asleep in her arms.

•Hungary's POV•

I held the sweet little Italy in my arms, rubbing my hair. He was finally asleep.

"Oh poor Italy..." I whispered

"Ja, Ich couldn't comfort him no matter how hard I tried.." Germany whispered closing his electric blue eyes. He was very upset by this fact.

"Germany.." I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at me. "It's cause you look so much like Holy Rome. It makes it harder on him." I told him

"Can I read zhese?" He asked holding Holy Rome's letters gently in his hands.

"Yes, go ahead. Italy won't mind." I told him.

"Danke." He said

"Welcome. He loves you, ya know." I said

"Ja, I know. Ich liebe him." He said

"What?" I asked confused, he chuckled to himself.

"It means I love in German." He said

"Oh, ok." I said

"Here let me take him now." He said, I let him take him out of my arms.

"Ve~ Germany." Sighed Italy wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist.

He knows when Germany has him.. I smiled at this. I took a picture with no flash.

I saw the bigger country smile a real genuine smile at the little country. Holding him closer he closed his eyes and whispered to Italy; "My dearest Italy you scared me don't you ever do zhat again to me." Even though Italy was asleep. "Ich liebe dich Italy." He even sounded.. Like Holy Rome and each time I looked at him he looked more and more like HRE.. I smiled.. It just has to be him!

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