Chapter30 Hungarys spying mission.

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•Hungary's POV•

I was running down the hall and then I smashed into Austria. Shit, this is just great! I thought to myself I didn't realize I was on top of him until he said; "Would you please get off of me if you don't mind?"
"Oh yes of course." I replied getting off of him.
"What are you doing running around for? And at this time of night at that!" He snapped getting up.
I merely showed him another picture of Germany and Italy or should I say Holy Rome? I smiled to myself happy with my detective work.
"You should stop being so childish Hungary." He replied I angrily eyed him.
"It's not childish!" I told him
"Yes it is, but that's why I love you Hungary." He said, I was shocked!
"Wha?" I asked
He came closer his hands behind his back he was smiling softly and gently.
"If you don't understand I'll just show you." He said, he then smirked. And kept coming closer and closer. My heart was flying it was beating so fast. He then in all in one motion pulled me to his chest and smashed his lips against mine. My mouth came open in shock he took advantage of that and took entrance. I gasped a little and started kissing back. Did I like this?! "Yes you do Hungary you love this!" My voice in my head answered me.
We stood there making out for what seemed like hours.. Austria stopped still holding me to his chest and whispered "I love you Hungary.."
"I-I..I.. Love you too." I stuttered, he smiled softly and let me go.
"Good night Hungary." He said
"Good night Mister Austria." I replied nodding. I went passed HREs old room there was a light on. So I decided to investigate. I peeked in the door, I saw Germany holding Italy closer to him. He was holding HREs letters to Italy in his hand. I smiled, you have to be HRE.. I thought to myself.
I opened the door soundlessly or so I thought, but the German country's electric blue eyes snapped open. "Vhos zhere?" Was his first words
"It's Hungary dear." I replied
"Oh sorry Hungary." He said
"It's fine, how's little Italy?" I Asked walking over there and rubbing Italy's hair.
"Better, he's attached to me like glue, as always." Whispered the German country to me his blue eyes looking at Italy lovingly. "But I vould never vant it any other vay." This made me smile.
"Me either, you know what?" I asked looking at the bigger country.
"Vhat?" He replied
"He would not stop talking about you, at all." I laughed "he wouldn't stop saying how nice you're that you would always protect him and save him when he was in trouble. Not to mention letting him sleep with you and when he had nightmares and he was in his own bed how you would come running and hold him."
"Wow.." He whispered and smiled a real genuine smile at the little Italian country.
"Goodnight Germany." I said after snapping a quick picture.
"Goodnight Hungary, you and Japan vould get along just fine." He chuckled.
I smiled and left.
•Germany's POV•
I held Italy close, my headaches vere getting vorse. I don't know vhat I did to make my head pound like zhis. I had a sudden flash.
~~~~Germany's flashback brought to you by~~~~>>> Chibitalia only a monster would make him cry!>>>~~
"Don't worry our love and friendship is sealed by this pinky promise, we now have the 'fate of the red string' tied to our pinkies which is tied together." I promised to a girl in a green dress and white apron. And lacy white head kerchief with a curl sticking out of the side.
"I-a know forever our fates our tied together forever with-a true love!" Said the girl.
•Germany POV•
Vhat vas zhat? And vho vas zhat little girl? Prussia better give me some Gött damn answers! I thought as I fell asleep.
A/N guys should I have a lemon or lemons in this book? Those of you don't know what lemons are they are sex scenes...

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