Chapter33 Hungarys Present to Italy

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•Hungary's POV•
"Italy I have something for you." I called for Italy
"Sí, I'm coming Miss. Hungary!" He called back I heard his footsteps run down the stairs. Towards me.
I looked at the dress I had made for Italy it was the exact same as the one he had when he lived here and Austria thought he was a girl. I giggled remembering all that. But this dress is a bigger, so it can fit him.
"You needed me?" Asked the little Italian country.
"Yes I do. I've got something for you Italy." I said with a smile.
"Yay! What is it?" He asked me excitedly it was in his voice and eyes ad motions (he is jumping up and down.)
"Come with me." I told him and started walking down to my sewing room. "Here!" I said as I held up a green dress with a white apron attached to it and a white lacy head kerchief.
"Ve~ Miss. Hungary! Thank you! You didn't have to do this for me Bella!" He said happily smiling hugely thanking me.
"No problem, but I wanted to Italy why don't you put it on later and show Germany?" I asked
"Sí, I will!" He said still grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. I smiled. "That's all Italy." I said and he hugged me tightly I hugged back giggling.
•Italy's POV•
I hugged Hungary tightly she hugged back. I smiled and ran from the room my dress in my hand. Then I did something I shouldn't have.. I started thinking about Holy Rome.
•a look into Italy's Germany and pasta loving mind•
I was-a sweeping the floors when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me I ignored it and continued doing my job. I felt a tug on the white bow of my dress I looked behind me to see Holy Rome. Glaring at me or something.. But now-a I know what it-a really was... Love.. He didn't know how to express it or tell me...
I started crying as my mind played through all the old memories, sometimes the most painful memories you have are the best...
"Stop it Italy! No more tears!" I scolded myself, I wiped my eyes and went to my room to paint and draw.
•Germanys POV•
I came in zhe house, "Hungary?" I called
"Yes?" She said as she came up to me.
"I need you to make zhese vhere I can wear zhem." I said feeling the heat race to my cheeks. I handed her the outfit.
"Is this?.." She trailed off, I only nodded. A smile came across her face. "Of course I will fix these up for you dear!" She said
'You happy now?!' I demanded to zhe voice zhat is telling me to do zhese zhings.
"Yes, I am very happy." Zhe voice replied. I grumbled.
I'm ending the chapter here!! ^J^

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