Chapter19 Who killed Holy Rome

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•Italy's POV•

I woke up in my bed alone. I thought for sure that Germany would be sitting on the edge of my bed stroking my hair and be trying to make up with me.. I looked at the clothes and got up and I practically ran to Germany's room since I was scared of the dark.
I stopped at the door there was light coming out of the bottom crack of the door. He's still up? I thought he would be asleep by now... I opened the door it creaked slightly.
Germany looked up from the book he was reading, he was wearing his glasses. "Italy is something vrong?" He asked with a worried look.
"Sí, I'm scared.." I said
"Come here, I'll protect you." He said pulling the covers back beside him.
"Ve~ thanks Germany." I said as I climbed under the covers after I shut the door. I snuggled to his side putting my hand on the side of his chest.
"You're very velcome." He said taking off his glasses and putting them on the end table on top of his book. He turned the lamp off and turned on his side to face me. He pulled me closer sighing. He was just about asleep so I decided to ask him before he fell asleep.
"Ve~ Germany?" I said
"Hm?" He replied
"Did you kill Holy Rome??" I asked nervously.
"Nein, vhy vould I do that?" He asked
"I don't know.. I was wondering cause you have all his stuff." I answered
"I didn't even know him." He replied looking me dead in the eye, so I knew he wasn't lying.
"Oh.. Ok.." I said
"Italy?" He said
"Ve~?" I replied
"I'm sorry for making you upset today." He apologized "but I really don't know how all his stuff got in my study closet."
"Ok, I believe you.." I whispered
"Italy? What was he to you?" Asked Germany
"Well he was my best friend and I fell in love with him the day he left is when I figured it all out." I replied truthfully
"So.. I vasn't your first liebe?" He asked
"I'm sorry Germany, but no you weren't I'm sorry." I said hoping I didn't upset him.
"It's ok Italy.. I'm not upset just a little shocked." He whispered "let's go to sleep ja?"
I nodded and fell asleep against him. He looked so much like Holy Rome it wasn't funny.
~Time skip by 'I like trains.'~~~~~~~

I woke up the next morning next to Germany he was still asleep. Yay!! This is only the second time, but I have no time to call Japan. Right now I must find out who killed Holy Rome. It's killing me not knowing. I kissed Germany's nose and woke him up so we could go to the world meeting.

~~~~~another time skip by Nosebleeds they're hilarious in manga~

The world meeting is over now. I stopped my big brother France to talk to him, with Germany near by cause Germany refuses to let me get near him alone. He says that he'll corrupt my vital regions.. But why would big brother France do that? I shrugged oh well. I walked up to France.
"Big brother France?" I said
"Hm? Ohohonhon~ look who we have here it's my dear little brother Italy." He said with a strange smile, I ignored it.
"I have a question..." I said trailing off
"Is it about love? I knew this day would come!!" He said very dramatically sweeping his curtain of hair over his shoulder after he said 'love'.
"No, it's something else." I said
"Then wait is it?" He asked
"Do you know who killed Holy Rome?" I asked, he suddenly got very nervous and was breaking out in a cold sweat and he was avoiding my eyes.
"Uh.. No... Why.. Would.. I know about all that?" He asked avoiding my eyes. is he lying to me?!
"You-a do know don't you!! Don't you-a lie to me!!!" I shouted suddenly very angry.
"Yes!! Yes!! I don't know!!" He said suddenly very scared looking.
"Tell me-a who did it!!" I demanded
"I did!! Ok!! I'm sorry Italy!!" He said
My chest got very tight tears rolled down my cheeks I saw Germany's eyes widen. I ran at France beating his chest with my balled up fist with all my night I had in me.
"I'm sorry Italy!!" He said crying now, Germany drug me off of France.
"I'll-a never forgive you for as long as I-a live you ugly over dramatic bastard!!" I screamed at France sobs racking through my body.
Germany pulled me along with him somehow pulling me into his chest still guiding me.
"I'll vill kill him for you." Germany said while holding me to his chest. "No one makes you cry like zhis."
Oh no Germany's pissed...
I saw France break down on his knees sobs racking his body. He called out to me "Italy! I'm sorry!!." Good that bastard can rot in his sorrow and remorse, he killed my Holy Rome!
I buried my head into Germany's shirt so no one would see me crying Germany's was stroking my hair and whispering reassurances in my ear.

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