Chapter18 Worries

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I sat there on the floor, I heard the door open softly with a slight creak. I turned my head it was Italy. "Italy..." I trailed off.
"Can I have the robe, the hat with the gold trim, and the white neck kerchief (or ascot whichever you prefer). Just can I have all that stuff?" He asked I could tell he had been crying.
"Ja, Feli.. I'm sorry... I really don't know how all that stuff got in there." I whispered
"It's ok-a- I just need some time to think ok?" He told me reassuringly, but it didn't reassure me cause his voice cracked, so I nodded and handed him zhe box vith all zhe stuff in it, I more like put it in his arms gently.
"Thanks Germany." He whispered and walked out, he must've been really upset by all zhis....
•Italy's POV•

Germany put Holy Rome's box in my arms gently with all the stuff in it. How'd he get Holy Rome's stuff? I thought as I walked in my room and shut my door. I walked to my bed with tears brimming in my eyes I sat the stuff down. I sat the box down gently on my bed and sat next to it. I first examined the broom. The last memory I have of Holy Rome; "Wait take this!" I cried as Holy Rome started to walk away "so you won't forget me, to help you remember me by."
He walked back to me "Why would this make me remember you?" He asked
"When you see it, you can think of me." I said crying still
"I'll accept it, say what do you do when you really like someone?" He asked not taking the broom yet.
"A-a kiss I guess." I said tears still brimming and then rolling down my cheeks.
"Alright." He said, he put his hands over mine that were on the broom and kissed me softly. "I promise I'll come and visit you."
"Promise?" I asked
"Promise! Now matter what, you'll always be my favorite person in the world!!" He shouted as he left.
That was the last time I saw Holy Rome, and that was also my last memory of him. More tears came I let them come, it was no use to try and hold them back, they would come later anyway. I sat the broom against the wall and opened Holy Rome's box, I grabbed his neck kerchief (or ascot whatever you want to call it), his black robe/cape, and his black cravat hat with the gold trimming. I held all three things to my chest and sobbed quietly, cause I didn't want Germany coming in here and seeing me like this, plus there was still some unanswered questions like; 'Did Germany kill Holy Rome?', or 'How'd Germany get all his stuff?'. I laid down putting the cape/robe behind me and wrapping myself up in it, and the neck kerchief (or ascot) where his neck would be, and the hat on my pillow. I gave up sleeping like that so I turned around to face the nonexistent HRE beside me, I clutched all of the outfit and fell asleep like that.

~Italy's Dream~
"Holy Rome!!" I shouted in delight running to him, I was a little kid again in my green dress and white apron and white headband.
"Italy!!!" He shouted and we finally met each other I jumped into his arms to be spun/flung around in a hug in HREs arms. Tears started brimming up in my eyes.
"Holy Rome.." I sobbed trailing off he looked at my face and the tears rolling down my cheeks.
"What's wrong Italy?" He asked worriedly "did someone hurt you?!" He put himself in front of me in a flash with his cape blocking me from views of the sides.
"No.." I cried he looked at me in bewilderment.
"Then why are you crying?" He asked puzzled.
"Who killed you?" I asked sobbing even harder now.
"Shh, Italy I'm here with you now." He cooed gently in my ear stroking my hair, luckily missing my curl, he had me pulled to his chest.
"Ve~ that is true, but this is only a dream... Who murdered you Holy Rome?" I asked
"Do you really want to know?" He asked softly
"Yes! I need to know." I told him desperately
"The man that killed me is..." He said trailing off.
"Holy Rome who was it?" I asked hurriedly
"..." He stayed silent
"Holy Rome.." I begged I felt tears brimming in my eyes.

•Germany's POV•

I decided to go check on Italy, he was really upset when he left my closet in my office. I opened the door quietly.
"Holy Rome.." He whimpered I saw a tear roll down his cheek, I walked over there and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Holy Rome.." He whimpered once more while his watery blue tears rolled down his face. For some strange reason the name Holy Rome pulled at something in my heart... But why? I inched closer and saw that he was clutching all of the clothes to his chest including the hat with the gold trimming. I closed my eyes as he whimpered Holy Rome's name in his sleep while tears were coming in sheets down his face. I felt a hot wet tear roll down my face. I'm crying? Why? I thought in bewilderment. I kissed Italy's forehead and left the room quietly.

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