Chapter3 Dinners Ready

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"Germany!! Dinners ready." I giggled
"Ja, I'm coming." Germany replied he walked into the kitchen and his eyes widen to what he saw in the kitchen. The kitchen was completely clean all the dishes except the ones that are filled with pasta and breadsticks. I smiled and inhaled it smelled.... Delicious...
"Well help yourself Germany!" I smiled at his reaction
"You cleaned zhis all by yourself?" He asked
"I did!" I said proudly I got his plate before he could start putting food on it.
"Vhat zhe-?" Germany said not knowing what happened he looked over to the plate in my hands "Italy! Zhat's my plate!!"
"~Vee I know Germany, but I want to make your plate for you." I said nervously blushing
"Oh.. Ok." He said as he watched me expertly put the pasta on his plate and the breadsticks on the side and put all the basil leaves on there in a decorative manner.
"Mwha!" I said kissing my pinched fingers in one hand and the throwing it out there. While holding Germany's plate in the other. "Now you can have your plate."
"Zhanks Italy." He replied did I see a light blush? No no i must've imagined it my mind tends to run wild when I'm with Germany. "Are you ok Italia?"
"Yeah I'm fine! Perfectly fine!" I said blushing
"Ok vell if you're sure." He said taking his first bite of pasta. His eyes widened "Zhis is amazing Italia!" He racked the rest of the pasta in his mouth.
I sat there and ate my pasta and breadsticks. Mm I love pasta and breadsticks.. But I love pasta more.. But I love Germany more than my beloved pasta.. We finished dinner in silence.
"I vill do zhe dishes since you made dinner for us." Said Germany breaking me from my thoughts and looking at me with his icy, bright electrifying, dazzling blue eyes... I started drifting off into his blue eyed gaze. "ITALY!!" He shouted "are you even liszening?!"
"~Vee yes Germany.. I'm listening." I said about to cry 'no no not now not in front of Germany I already cried today once in front of him he already thinks I'm a weak country! What would he think if I cried twice in one day!' I said to my quivering bottom lip. I couldn't help it I broke my tears started brimming in my eyes. "I-I-I'm-a sorry Germany! Please don't be mad at me!"
"Mien Gott Italia! Vhat are you crying about now?!" Said Germany running his hand through his slick blonde hair.
"I m-m-made y-you mad!" I said crying tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Italy I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm not mad or angry." Germany replied softly walking up to me.
"Promise?" I asked
"I promise." He said "now vould you stop crying?"
I nodded wiping my tears he softly smiled at me. "Now vould you let me finish vhat I vas saying?" He asked
"Yes." I said
"I vill vash dishes for you since you cooked dinner." Germany said with the same soft smile, yay he's smiling again!
"~Ve~Do you want any help Doitse?" I asked
"Nein I got it." He replied, I put my plate in the sink and went into the living room. Skipping. I got a book off the shelf from the bookcase and began reading. I got to chapter 10 page 121 that's when I blinked and I kept them closed 'resting' my eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey guys!! How are you enjoying the book? Here are some translations.
Mien Gott: My God
Nein: No.

Please tell me how I'm doing in the comments! Comment, vote and follow me! P.S Flying Mint Bunny is adorable!!
~BandGeekClarinet(Alison Reed)
Disclaimer: I DONT own any of the Hetalia characters the people who made Hetalia does. I ONLY OWN the plot. :)

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