Chapter9 Italy

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•Italy's POV•

I got out of the shower and was drying my hair with towel. I love you Germany, but I know you'll never return my feelings I have toward you. I mean you're so big and strong. Me well I'm just a weak country unlike you. Plus you're straight. I thought to myself with a sigh. I got dressed in my clothes.
I wondered in the back of my mind what Germany and Prussia were talking about. I swear I heard them talking about me, but what about me... I went downstairs to the kitchen and waved at Prussia. "Ciao! Prussia!" I greeted him happily.
"Hello Italy." He replied
"How are you?" I asked
"Good you?" He asked
"Great." I said "where's-a Germany?"
"He vent up to his room." Prussia told me
"Ve~ is he-a in a bad mood?" I wondered aloud
"Yes." He replied
"What why?!" I said
"I don't know." He said
"I know what'll make him-a feel better! I'll make some pasta!" I said happily running into the kitchen. I made the pasta and I called Germany down for dinner. Prussia left to his house. I ran upstairs and I knocked on his bedroom door. "Germany!" I called
"Vhat?" He answered
"Pasta is ready!" I said cheerfully
"I'll be down in a min." He answered
"Ve~ ok Germany." I said going downstairs and dipping my pasta out on the plate expertly decorating it and I sat down to eat.
•Germany's POV•

I was pacing my room zhinking. Nein I can't be gay... Can I? Nein... It's not possible. I thought to myself
'Germany you love Italy just admit it. You vould walk the ends of the earth for him. You vould go to hell and back for this little country and you know it. Just admit it, he has broke down the barrier that you put around your heart. He got in to that special place that no body else in the vorld could. You love Italy. He's your vhole world.' A little voice in my head said to me.
The most delicious scent came into my room through the under crack of my door. My stomach rumbled in reply to zhe delicious smell. I went down stairs ignoring the voice in my head that told me I love Italy. I sat down by Italy who smiled his brightest smile. He also made wursts for me. A rare smile came to my lips he noticed and smiled bigger. "Zhank you Italy." I said
"Ve~ no problem Germany, Prussia told me you were-a in a bad mood so I made pasta and wursts for dinner." Italy said to me still smiling.
"Vhere is my bruder?" I asked curiously
"He went-a home Germany." The little country replied
"Well, ok." I said and began to eat, Italy knows how to cook.

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