Chapter20 I'm Not Going to kill you for one reason.

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I cried... No sobbed into Germany's chest in the car. He sighed and finally unbuckled me and pulled me out of the passenger seat and pulled me into his seat on top of him. He stroked my auburn brown hair. And whispered into my ear "Shh, Feli it'll be alright.."

"H-h-how could-a he do this to me?! I hoped the over dramatic bastard dies!!" I screamed this into Germany's chest it was muffled by his now tear soaked shirt.

"Italy.. Please stop cussing so much.. You're acting like Romano.. And it's scaring me. Zhis isn't like you Italy." He said looking down at me with worry in his electric blue eyes.

"I'm-a sorry Germany.. I ruined your shirt and I'm-a scaring you." I whispered my voice hoarse from crying so much.. Loudly I might add.

"Shh, it's ok Italia." He said and kissed the tears that were rolling down my cheeks.

"Are you going to kill-a him?" I asked, hoping he would.

"Yes, no one makes you cry like zhis and gets avay vith it." He whispered "but first I'm going to drive you home and put you in bed."

"Ve~ ok. I'm fine now Germany." I whispered "can I stay right here in zhe seat vith you?"

"Ja, you can. Ich liebe dich." He said and kissed my head and buckled me up. Somehow we were both still very comfy. I was lulled to sleep by Germany's heartbeat and deep breathing I knew by this he was very very pissed off. I had no idea how pissed he actually was though. But before I fell asleep I managed to whisper this; "Tí amo Doitsu."

I woke up to being carried. I observed my position how Germany is carrying me, my legs are wrapped around his waist, my arms are around his neck, my head resting on his shoulder. My head bounced up and down on his shoulder with every step Germany took. He laid me down in my bed and he looked at me and saw that I was awake.

"Italy, I didn't know you are avake." He said softly and he sat on the edge of my bed beside me. I raised my hand and rested my palm on his cheek. He put his hand on top of mine and nuzzled his check into the palm of my hand. I sighed and smiled.

"Ve~ thank you Doitsu." I whispered he took my hand off his cheek and kissed the palm.

"For vhat?" He asked

"For everything you've done for me, for taking care of me and being my ally. For saving me all those times. For loving me... Even now when I can tell you're jealous of Holy Rome how he was my first love and all. For everything you do for me.. Tí amo Germany forever." I whispered

"Sh, zhere's no need to zhank me, Italy I should be zhanking you for everyzhing you've done for me. You've shown me how to love.. Other emotions... Even zhough I'm jealous of zhis Holy Rome character you talk about. That you still love. And don't you dare say you don't Italy I know better. You've shown me how to be happy.. You've shown me how to smile again... How to laugh.. Truly smile and laugh again. Ich liebe dich Italy forever and always." He said trying hard for the words Doitsu never was good at telling people how he felt I smiled at the light blush on his cheeks. I looked in his electric blues eyes they were filled with anger he was shaking he was so angry. I've never seen him so angry. "Now I've got to go deal with that sorry excuse for a country. I'll be back Italy." He kissed my lips softly I kissed back.

•Germany's POV•

I am angrier zhan I've ever been, that bastard hurt my little Italy!! I'm going to kill zhe bastard!! Vait how much vould zhat hurt my little Italy? Yes he may be angry at France now.. But he's so loving and caring... It vould crush him... I can't do zhat to him.... I know vhat I'll do to France though... I thought to myself.

I got in the car and I shut the car door and drove to where Italy left France sobbing on the floor. I knew he vould be zhere since Italy did call him 'Ugly over dramatic bastard!!' zhat took him down especially since it came from Italy. I walked into the vorld conference room and sure enough he vas still sobbing. He looked up hoping it vas Italy. "Italy I'm so sorry-" he began, but he stopped himself.

I valked over zhere to zhe sorry country. Then I squat down in front of him. "Vhy did you do it?" I asked calmly, but I made sure the acid and flames and zhe anger in my voice vas dripping from each syllable of every word that came from my mouth. He flinched realizing I vas very angry.

"I-I don't know why! I did! It was a war!! You of all people should understand!!" He said trembling under my angry glaring gaze.

"Nein! I don't understand why of all people you chose to destroy Italy's first love!" I practically shouted my slicked back blonde hair fell in my face so now my hair was hanging down just above my eyebrows and eyes. Suddenly the French country looked at me with shock.

"He's right.." He said

"Vhat are you talking about?" I asked bewildered

"Italy's right you do resemble him, perfectly..." He said still staring at me in amazement.

"Resemble who?" I asked

"Holy Roman Empire.. You look exactly like him." He whispered "look Germany if you're going to kill me do it and get it over with."

"Nein I'm not going to kill you. The only reason I'm not is cause it vould kill Italy. No matter how angry Italy is at you right now. He vill forgive you. You're his big brother even tho you're a pervert. And if I killed you it vould kill Italy, it vould hurt him he would cry.. I don't want to be the reason for his tears.. I vant to be zhe reason for him to smile and laugh.. Zhe reason he's happy... Not his sadness.." I closed my eyes as I said zhis.

"Wow..." France replied

"Don't speak of zhis to any of the other countries understand?!" I demanded not wanting any other nations to think I'm going soft. France nodded. And got up.

"I truly am sorry.. Germany... Even though I hated Holy Rome. The only reason I put up with him is cause he was Italy's friend.." He said and left.

I got in the car and drove home I went into Italy's room to check on him. I crawled under the covers vith him still fully clothed.

•Italy's POV•

I woke up to Doitsu next to me breathing in deeply in and out. That's when I realized he was asleep. I smiled and looked at him.. He truly did look exactly like Holy Rome, with his blonde hair in his face and his blue eyes. How peaceful and non scary he looks to me when he sleeps.. It's true Doitsu does scare me like Holy Rome did. But I got use to him like I did Holy Rome. Then just like Holy Rome I fell in love with him... He just hasn't left like Holy Rome did. I got up and decided to clean out my closet today.

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