Chapter27 Curiosity

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•Germany's POV•

I held Italy to my chest. He didn't have to do this to himself, I told him we didn't have to come here. Now he wants to sleep in here. Why am I always zhe reason zhat Italy cries? Vhy did I mention zhis stupid room?! I'm such an idiot!! I thought scolding myself stupid curiosity!!
Italy moved in his sleep I automatically shifted my position so it's comfortable on him and me both. Something is tugging at my heartstrings and I have a horrid headache like some sort of déjàvu. Is coming from zhis exact room.. No zhis house.. It's vorse vhen I'm in here zhough... It's like some blocked memories zhat I lost long ago are trying to get out and make me remember.. Could it be my childhood? Nein! Zhat's impossible! So I pushed zhe zhought directly out of my head. I got thirsty, I gently pushed Italy off of my chest. "Ve~ Doitsu where-a are you going?" Asked Italy
"To zhe kitchen, to get a drink of vater." I told him "I'll be right back. Zhere is nothing zhat's going to hurt you in here."
"Ok, but hurry-a back Luddy." He said using zhe ridiculous nickname he made for me, but I loved it.
"I vill, Feli." I said and zhen kissed his hair and left to zhe kitchen, I noticed zhat someone vas up. I took my pistol out of it's holster out of habit just in case it's a intruder. Zhen I heard Hungary and Austria talking softly. I started to leave, but my curiosity got zhe best of me. So I stayed and listened.

•Austrias POV•[{get ready for a crap load of seriousness! :) this will be funny!!}]

Me and Hungary were talking.. I wonder if what I said earlier sunk in yet.. Oh well.
"Mister Austria.." She said there was light in her eyes excitement, such a child that woman is, but oh how I love her... I thought to myself.
"Yes Hungary?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Look at this!" She exclaimed putting on the table a picture of Germany and Italy... I shook my head.
"What about it?" I asked
"Look at them, how long has it been since Italy has smiled that long?" She asked
I thought about it for awhile, it had been quite some time since I have seen Italy smile like that. "It's been quite awhile, what of it?" I asked
"Think back to when Italy was little and Holy Rome." She whispered closing her eyes.
"Yes I get your point he hasn't smiled like that sense Holy Roman Empire." I said rolling my eyes.
"Austria!" She shouted slamming her doubled fist on the table with a loud BANG! I flinched and jumped almost making my chair fall backwards, but I caught myself.. Not as gracefully as I wanted, but I still saved myself from falling backwards. I forgot how violent she could be... My eyes are wide with shock, my mouth hung agape. This was all from the fall, and mostly the fact that she called me Austria again for the second time today. She never calls me that anymore.. She smirked.
"Forgot that I can be violent have we?" She asked with an angry smirk on her soft, pink lips.
"I-I.... I..." I stuttered and couldn't find my words. Then I finally found something I can say. "Ladies do not use violence or shout." I say crisply trying to hide my emotions, but failing.
"Austria, you really need to shut up." She said angrily "Look at the big picture here!!"
I looked at the picture, but saw nothing, but a picture of two countries holding each other lovingly. Her ridiculous yaoi. "I don't see anything but the picture your showing me of your ridiculous yaoi." I said
"Damn it! How can you be so damn blind Austria!!" She growled in anger and frustration.
I was taken aback, I haven't heard Hungary use language like that not since we were kids... Always fighting...
"Ugh!" She shouted throwing her hands up in frustration and storming from the room.
"I don't know why she is so mad.. It's just a picture of Germany and Italy... Her ridiculous yaoi." I muttered to myself looking at the picture trying to figure out what she was talking about. I heard her less angry footsteps come down through the hall.

•Germany's POV•
I listened intently for Italy's cries for me, and footsteps. I heard a less angry Hungary coming down the hall. Crap!! I hid out of sight she didn't see me. Good.

•Austrias POV•
She sat back down at table across from me and put a picture down beside it. It was a picture of Holy Rome...
She slid it beside the one of Italy and Germany. "Look, he looks so much like-"
"The only resemblance I see is the blonde hair and blue eyes." I said sternly interrupting her. "It's not him, Hungary! It's not! And the sooner you get it through your childishly thick skull the better!"
She said nothing she scowled and she punched me with so much force it broke my nose and gave me a huge headache. She angrily went to bed. I sighed when I heard Italy's cries from upstairs. Telling me he heard our fight and is scared. I ignored it and went to bed.
•Germany's POV•
I heard Italy's cries, I knew he heard Hungary and Austria's fight. I vent upstairs quickly and soundlessly. I shut zhe door and crawled in bed vith Italy he latched onto me clinging to me for dear life.
"G-G-Germany!!" He wailed
"Sh~, it's alright I'm here." I held him to me rubbing his soft auburn brown hair.
"Mister Austria and Miss. Hungary are fighting again! It scares me Doitsu!" He cried, I pulled him into my arms zhe vay you vould hold a newborn infant. I began cradling and rocking him side to side.
"Sh~, my Italy don't vorry, it's over now. Don't cry anymore." I said
He cried more, he put his arms around my neck so zhat he is on top of me he cried into my chest. I whispered soothing sweet little nothings, that actually meant everything into his ear, he soon fell asleep. I fell asleep, holding him to me.

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