Chapter23 At Austria and Hungarys place

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Here my AustriaXHungary chap!! Enjoy!!

•Hungary's POV•
I was in the kitchen making Mr. Austria's lunch. Today it was beef stew. I looked out the window that's in front of the sink, which is next to the fridge which is next to the stove. [{just thought you should know that!}] As I looked out the window I was reminiscing old memories.
•a look into Hungary's mind•
I looked out the window to see little Italy and Holy Rome in the yard. I smiled 'those two are so cute, to bad Italy is so oblivious about how he feels... HRE doesn't know how to express his feelings to Italy..' I thought smiling to myself. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Mr.Austria behind me with his usual blue suit on with the white lacy ascot thing on. He had his hands clasped behind his back in a polite manner. "Yes, Mr. Austria?" I asked smiling.
"I am ready for lunch if you don't mind making it." He said politely, I nodded smirking to myself that he was still not use to this and probably still scared of me.. I heard Italy scream, my head snapped to the window in response. Italy was running and Holy Rome was chasing him, there of course was France directly behind him bringing up the tail. 'Him and France are always fighting..' I sighed aloud
"Is something wrong?" Asked Austria
"No, nothing just thinking about how much France and Holy Rome fight." I said shaking my head.
"Oh.." Said Austria "I'll let you get to the cooking." He said and turned on the back of his heel his hands still clasped behind his back.
I look out the window again, hearing more yelling bickering; by no other than HRE and France. Holy Rome was protecting Italy this time Italy was crying Holy Rome is in front of Italy blocking him from France..
"I call you two..." I whispered to myself giggling at my silliness, but I know that it was bound to happen them to being together. I smiled while chopping up carrots for Austrias soup. Oh it did happen, but all too late Holy Rome had to leave for war... He promised to Italy he would come back. But he never did..
back to reality
No! Holy Rome always kept his promises especially if it is for Italy... I thought to myself and sighed I looked out the window and up into the sky Holy Rome dammit where are you? I thought to myself sighing.
"Ahem.." I heard Austria make a noise in the back of his throat.
"Yes?" I asked turning around crossing my arms with a knife in one hand that's resting on my arm.
"Is lunch about ready?" He asked with impatience in his voice, I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, but I wouldn't be the one to be impatient. Austria." I smirked, his mouth went agape I hadn't called him that since we were kids.
"Now why is that?!" He demanded
"Well I wasn't the one who got beat up when we were little now was I?" I asked "the last time I checked I was the one who beat you up." I smirked and he gasped, why I brought that up I don't know.
"You're right." He said " but I never gave up, now did I?"
"No, why did you keep coming back Mr. Austria? Even though I always beat you up and of course it resulted in me winning." I asked rather curiously.
"You want to know why?" He asked taking a step closer to me.
"Yes.." I said I felt something inside me bubble up.. Something warm and fluttery in my stomach, I felt my face catch afire when I realized he was 2inches away from my face out foreheads almost touching..
"Cause... This." He whispered I saw his cheeks blush, his lips were coming closer and closer to mine. His lips finally touched mine at first I was very tensed and shocked my eyes widen in surprise, but I finally melted into the kiss my eyes closing. My body relaxing, I realized my arms were wrapping around his neck and I was pulling him closer to me.. I was kissing him back.. Do I like this?? I asked myself in my thoughts, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop myself from wanting more and kissing him more. All I knew is that we were making out in perfect sync and he has my back pressed against the cold metal of the kitchen sink. He stopped suddenly groaning "We have company.." He said and He turned on his heel and began to leave "oh and be sure to have extra lunch for our guest we have three visitors." He said crisply smoothing his blue shirt down with excitement still in his eyes. He masked it quickly.
"Do you understand what I just said?" He asked irately.
"Yes sir... But I still don't understand..." I whispered and continued making lunch he didn't answer he just left.
I lifted my head from my strainer and looked out the window. I saw Prussia I groaned that's just great glad I got my frying pan. I saw two more people beside him, he was holding hands with one man.. It's Canada! He's so sweet! I smiled ok I did and still do ship them!! "No Hungary no nosebleeds now.." I whispered to myself. Then I saw another man who I didn't know.. He has electric blue eyes, slicked back blonde hair.. He looked familiar..

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