Chapter39 More Memories Hit

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•Italy's POV•
Me and Germany have been awake for-a hour. I decided to show Germany my cute dress. I ran to the bathroom to put it on. I ran to my room and put the dress on. I looked at myself I held back the-a tears because I was thinking of-a Holy Rome.
I walked back downstairs. "Ve~ Germany look at-a me! Isn't my-a dress pretty?" I said happily he looked at me and smiled then his perfect blue eyes widened.
•Germany's POV•
Italy came down, in a dress, my eyes went wide as I remembered everything.
•flash back!•
I was reading Italy's letters over and over and I was in the middle of writing when France came in. He put the end of his sword to my chest. "In last words HRE?" He asked with a smirk.
"Yes, tell Italy I love her..." I said with tears in my eyes.
"You're not going to beg for mercy?" He asked
"No, my reason for living but it won't matter to you even though you are the country of love. It's true love." I said tears rolling down my cheeks he looked at me shocked and then he ended it all.. Or so I thought..
A/N thank you guys!! For loving this book but this is the end!! :'( this was so much fun writing!! I love you little shippers!!
But don't fret my little shippers! Cause this is going to be a series!! I'll have the second book out as soon as possible!! See ya soon little shippers!! :) you all are awesomer than Prussia!! I couldn't have done any of this without you! This book is a success because of you guys and this is dedicated to -April 15th--1912 thanks for all your support all of you!!

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