Chapter21 Flashbacks

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I decided to clean my closet out, so I quietly got out of bed trying not to disturb Germany. I got out of his arms, he stirred.

I went to my closet and went in I shut the door (oh the irony) after I turned on the closet light. I was going through some of my clothes when I came upon my old dress. It was green and had a white apron attached to it. And there was my white lacy bandana on the hanger with it. Should I put it on? Just for old times sake? I asked myself in my head. I decided to put it on and show Germany for when he woke up. I put the bandana on covering most of my hair with my curl sticking out, I put on the dress with the white apron attached to it.

I went into the room curious to see if Germany was awake. He wasn't so I went downstairs so I could start breakfast then I realized something; I'm up before Germany! So I decided to call Japan, but he wasn't answering, but when I turned around I saw Japan smiling. "Good morning Ita-chan." He bowed greeting me.

"Ve~ good morning Japan!" I said happily "I'm up before-a Germany! This is-a my third time!" I whispered yelled in excitement.

"Congraturations Ita-chan, I'rr cook some rice this morning to celebrate." Japan said "but I must ask, why are you wearing a dress?"

"It's from when I was living with Mr. Austria." I explained everything to him.

"Ok." He said and started cooking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip by 'I have no idea how to breath~

Breakfast was ready so I decided to wake Germany. I walked in the room expecting Germany to be awake, but to my surprise he was still asleep. He looked confused.. Why?

•Germany's dream POV•

I vas chasing after a little girl, trying to explain to her something.. But I can't remember what though... My hand is outstretched towards her she's in a green dress with a white apron attached and she had a white laced bandana that covered her hair except for a curl that sticks out at the side. She is crying as she's running both of her hands are pulling up the front of her dress as she runs so she won't fall.

"Germany..." The vords I thought vere coming out of the little girls mouth, but they veren't cause she vasn't crying the sound of her voice didn't sound upset. Zhe voice faded away, I realized as I kept chasing after the girl. Zhat she had zhe same color of Italy's soft brown auburn hair, she even had zhe same curl as he did..

"Doitsu breakfast is ready time to get-a up.."

I was awoken from my dream

•Germany's POV•

I voke up to see Italy leaning down over me. His face is close to mine.

"Ve~ good morning Doitsu!" Said Italy happily. Vait... Is Italia vearing a dress?!

"Guten morgen Italy." I said "vhy are you vearing a dress?"

"Ve~ I found it, it's my-a old dress." He said vith a smile, I couldn't help it I smiled my rare genuine smile, that only Italy can get out of me.

"Yay! You-a smiled! I love it when you smile!" He said very happy zhat he made me smile.

"Ja, I know. You're zhe reason I smile." I said a light blush coloring my cheeks. I got up and zhat's vhen I realized zhat I never changed out of my clothes. I looked at Italy's dress once more.. Then I realized it's zhe same one from my dream... Italy noticed me staring at him.

"Ve~ Germany do you-a not like my dress?" Asked the little Italian country before me getting sad I could already hear his voice trembling and see his eyes tearing up and see his bottom lip quivering.

"Nein, nein, it's not like zhat Italy. You look very pretty. Please don't cry I just got lost in thought." I explained to him. Then I vent over zhere and hugged him. He hugged back happily.

"Now let's eat." I said, I need to talk to Prussia about zhis...

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