Chapter32 Strange Urges

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•Italy's POV•

I need Germany... Or Holy Rome.. But mostly my Germany.. I kept crying.

"Feliciano?" I heard a worried Germany ask.

"L-L-Luddy!!" I cried running to him burying my face in his white T-shirt crying. He rubbed my hair this was soothing to me.

"Vhat's vrong?" He asked worriedly, I felt Germany's blue eyes on me.

"I was-a so scared!" I cried looking at him my hazel honey eyes filled with blue salty tears. His electric blue crystal eyes looked into my hazel honey orbs.

"Now vhy, vere you scared?" He asked still rubbing my hair.

"That letter! It sounded so much like Holy Rome! And you promised to come back like he did. The-a only difference is that you-a came back to me!" I said still upset, but not crying as much anymore.

"Of course I vill always be here for you, I vill always come back for you no matter vhat, so you can stop vorrying now." Germany said to me, oh how I love you...

•Germany's POV•

I hugged Italy closely I did vhat zhis urge told me to do. "Tí amo Italia." I said in his language, but it vas very choppy. He smiled a smile that is brighter zhan zhe sun it lights my vorld up.

"Ich liebe dich Germany." He said copying my German language it too was very choppy, I smiled my rare genuine smile zhat only Italy can bring upon my face.

"Ve~ thank you Germany." He whispered kissing my collarbone since he couldn't reach my cheek or lips for that matter.

"No problem Italy." I whispered bending down and kissing him lightly on zhe lips. He kissed back happily.

"Italy dear! I have something for you!" It vas Hungary calling him. I sighed and let go of Italy.

"Ve~ I'm coming!" He called back, running to her.

My feet started carrying me somewhere where? I don't know, I ended up in zhe woods it looks like a battle field.. I saw a box lying zhere on zhe ground. My head started ringing vith pain. "Vhat?!" I demanded gritting my teeth in pain. My feet went toward zhe box. My hand vas itching to open it "Nein! It is not mine!" I said arguing vith my body's strange urges. My head screamed louder. "GÖTT!!" I screamed in pain. "Fine! Fine I'll open it!!" I shouted in defeat.

My hand reached out to open zhe box vhen I did I realized it vas zhe box from mien closet. "Vhat zhe hell is it doing here?! I left it at zhe house, hell Italy had it..." I talked to myself zhat's vhen I realized zhat Italy probably moved it here for a memorial. I found zhe black cape/robe and zhe black cravat hat vith zhe gold trimming, and zhe vhite lacy ascot (or neck kerchief if you prefer!). "Put the cape on Germany." A voice zhat I didn't know was in my head commanded me it vas zhe voice of zhe urges. "Nein, it's foolish vhy should I?" I asked aloud. My head had zhe worst pain go through it.

"Fine, fine!" I said in defeat I put zhe cape on it vas to small. "It's to small." I grunted. "Now vhat?" I demanded

"Get Hungary to fix it up for you. All of it." Demanded the urging voice

"Ok." I replied to zhe voice.

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