Chapter One

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I step in through the back door, heading right for the change room. I strip from my black and yellow floral print sundress, free my strained waist from the elastic band sewn in. I pull on my work tee. It was white with the logo printed in black on my left breast. I add my high-waisted, short denim pants, tucking the front of my shirt in.

After tying my short apron around my waist, I grab a notepad and pen, shoving them into the front before walking out.

"Hey, babe." I hear next to me. I look over and spot Kelly filling a salt shaker.

"Hey," I say already feeling exhausted.

"What's up love?" She asks, turning her full attention to me, placing the still open salt shaker on the bench, a few grains jumping out over the side.

"I'm just worn out after last night, still." I say and she smiles warmly at me.

"Yeah, I heard about that. I'm sure tonight will be much better." I nod in agreement.

"Hopefully. I'm sick of horrid custo-"

"Hey, can we get a fucking waiter!?"

I roll my eyes and take in a deep breath. Speaking of horrid customers...


I finish swiping my damp cloth over the top of the table before walking toward the kitchen, hanging my cloth and bottle filled with the pink disinfectant. Shuffling over to the front counter, I empty my small pile of money from my apron onto the bench.

As I pick up a ten, Chuck comes up behind me. Chuck was the chef here. The once pristine, white shirt the covered his chubby belly was now stained with yellow grease stains after a nights work. His dreadlocks fall free as he lifts his hat over his head, shaking them out.

"Hey, Leah. I'm off, make sure you lockup." He voice was hoarse after his nightly ritual; bossing around his 'minions'. I nod my head, bidding him a good night before he disappears.

When he disappears from my sight, I turn back to counting my tips from tonight. After a minute I have counted out $78.15. It wasn't a bad night, but not a great one either. The most I had ever made in tips was $103.55.

Just tonight Kelly managed to get $89.65. Kelly always managed to get more tips because Chris, our boss, always rostered her on to the family section of the restaurant, so of course they were more generous. However, I was always given the bar section with all the drunk, perverted men. I swear those men had no idea what boundaries were...

I clutch all of my change in my hand and head to the back, shovelling it into the front pocket of my bag. I pull my apron off and throw it into my bag, heading out.

I shut the door on my way out, dialling Connor's phone. Connor was a close friend of mine, so close that when we kissed at a New Years party last year, I felt like I was kissing my brother. I knew he liked me as more than a friend, but I could never go there. In my mind, he's my brother.

"Hey," he says happily into the receiver.

"Hey, I remembered tonight." I say as I continue my fifteen minute walk back to my dorm room. The streets were almost lifeless, just a few partygoers passing by or the odd car zooming past. I enjoyed walking home when it was like this, the dim glow of the street lights pouring onto the cement being comforting for me. The one thing I missed with the speckles that glowed in the night sky.

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