Chapter Thirteen

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As we continue the drive I begin to notice the surrounding area. It was nothing that looked familiar. It was more like a wilderness area with large iron gates shielding the way further into different places.

Harry turns right, stopping in front of one of the large iron gates. He presses a few buttons on the control panel outside of the window. Soon, the large fence slides across, Harry driving in. He pulls a remote from the centre console the garage sliding open too.

He parks his car before turning the engine off and jumping out. He walks around to my side, opening my door. I don't jump out however. Instead, I fold my arms across my chest.

"Harry, I wanted to go home. This isn't my home," I say and he puffs out an angry breath.

"You know what, fine! Sleep in the fucking car for all I care!" Are his last words before he storms out, marching through a door.

My arms drop as I sit stunned in his car. A minute passes by before I jump out and slowly walk through the same door Harry did only moments ago.

I walk in to a hall, one end lead to a door, the other lead to an open space. I decide to follow through the open area.

When I walk in I am met with large, carpeted, spiral stairs that lead to the second storey. The left lead to another hallway while the right lead to an open living room area.

I bite down on my lip as I walk into the hallway I turn left again lead into a large kitchen. I am stunned when I find a lady sitting at a table flipping through a magazine. I gasp in surprise, the sound catching the lady's attention.

"Oh, hello dear," She greets sounding slightly shocked herself.

"Um, hi," I had no idea why the say to this woman. Hell, I don't even know who she is. Was this Harry's mother?

"I'm guessing you are the girl Harry had to pick up?" I nod my head, my right arm holding onto my left. Well he didn't have to pick me up. I was fine. "Well I'm Kim. I'm Harry's housemaid." she tells me and I nod. She lived here.

"Um, I'm Leah." I introduce and she smiles.

"You look lost. Where's Harry?"

"I don't know. We had a... fight, and he left me lone in the garage." I explain and she sighs.

"Come with me, love." she says and I follow through. She leads me down the same hall to the other end. She swings open a door, a bedroom coming into view. "Here, these are Harry's but you can sleep in them tonight. And these are his sister's. You can wear them tomorrow. There's a bathroom through there. Make yourself at home, love." she says and I smile, thanking the elderly woman.

She leaves the room leaving me to my own. I decide to shower to wash the alcohol off before I change into the comfortable embrace of Harry's clothes. When I am changed I crawl into bed, picking up my phone. Lighting up the screen, I am disappointed to find I only have 35%. When I unlock the device I am greeted by the conversation of Harry and I.

I can't seem to help myself as I send him a quick message.

ME: I'm sorry. Goodnight


When I wake my head pounds vigorously thanks to the hangover I am greeted with. I hold my hand to head in some cliché attempt to soothe the ache. To no surprise, it does nothing.

I mange to crawl out of bed and decide on another shower because I still reeked of alcohol and that is not what I wanted to greet people with this morning. I jump in, turning the water to as hot as my body will allow.

Once my skin has turned a bright red, I jump out, wrapping a very dark blue towel around my body. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh at my reflection. Ripping off some toilet paper I attempt to remove the makeup smudges under my eyes with additional soap and water.

It takes most of the blackness from under my eyes, but there still lies a light coat. Flipping my hair up and down I try to tame it before throwing it into a messy bun. This is a perfect example of why I always carry extra supplies in my bag. Thankfully I found a few bobby pins and a hair tie. When I look decent I open up the cupboard under the sink, attempting to find a toothbrush.

To my luck, there is an orange one still sealed in the packet. I take it out and squeeze some of the Colgate toothpaste laying next to the cup on the basin, onto my brush.

When my teeth are clean I head back into the room to change into some more appropriate clothes before heading out. I pull on the dress that Kim had set out for me and thankfully, I manage to squeeze into it. Apparently I was a tad bigger then Harry's sister.

When I am made appropriate I grab my things and head back to the kitchen, hoping I will find someone because that is the only room that I know of this house so far.

Stepping into the room I am happy to find Harry and Kim. Kim was flipping food in the black pan while Harry read through a messy pile of papers on the table. He looked tense and frustrated.

"Good morning," I mumble quietly. I wasn't sure if I wanted them to hear me or not.

"Good morning, sweetie. I'm making pancakes so I hope you're hungry. Do you need any aspirin? Something to drink?"

As much as I wanted to say yes, I decline the offer. I was already on thin ice with Harry, I didn't want to overstep my boundaries.

"Oh for fuck sake," I hear Harry mumble under his breath before he continues louder. "Kim, can you please get Ms. Hamilton some aspirin and a glass of juice," he instructs, not lifting his head. I guess we're back to Ms. Hamilton then.

"Thank you," I mutter to Kim when two aspirins are dropped into my hand with a glass of apple juice in the other. I down the tablets in a heartbeat, eager for the hangover to go away. The only problem was it wasn't going to numb the pain in my chest.

I stand in the kitchen like a loser for a few seconds before deciding to join Harry at the table. When I sit myself down though he gathers all his things with a sigh.

"Kim, I'm going to eat in my office," he orders as he leaves the room. What have I done to him?


I know nothing big happened but I have a little drama planned for next time.

Shout out to ThatOneExoticPotatoe! Thank you so much for your comments, I love them! 
Thanks, x

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 17.06.2018
Edited: 19.06.2018

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