Chapter Eight

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My eyes kept darting toward the dress, to my phone. I had to start getting ready soon and the nerves start to set in. My legs were moving up and down as I nibbled on my shaky fingers.

My alarm finally goes off to tell me that it was time to start getting ready. I grab my shower bag and things, heading down to the shower block.

Once I am clean I head back to the room to work on my makeup. First was the concealer then I outline my eyes with a thin black line of eyeliner. I swipe my mascara over my lashes before colouring my eyelids with sparkly gold eyeshadow with a small bit of white. Next, I paint my lips with a nude-peach lipstick.

Once my makeup is done, I work on my hair. I had declined Harry's offer to have my hair done. He was already spending far too much money on me.

First I curl it before braiding the top of one side. Just as I stick the last bobby pin into my hair, my alarm goes off to tell me Derek is waiting downstairs.

I pull on my dress and Ally's diamond necklace before slipping on her white sparkly heels. Grabbing the rest of my things I race downstairs to meet Derek. I see him with a black town car. When I come closer, Derek opens the door.

"Good evening, Ms Hamilton." he says and I smile crawling into the car.

"Hello Derek."

The drive was rather short before we were pulling up to a hotel. I bite my lip, turning to look at Derek.

"Is, um, Harry coming to meet me?" I ask as I eye my fiddling fingers. I had expected him to be in the car when I got in, but was disappointed to find the opposite.

"I can call him out, Miss." He says but I shake my head.

"No, no. I'll sort it. Thank you." I say as I crawl out. I unlock my phone and text Harry.

ME: I'm here. Where do I meet you?

HARRY: I'll meet you at the entrance

I inhale deeply before realising it and walking in. I stand by the entrance, waiting for Harry. Before I see him, a waiter goes past with a tray of wine. I stop him, grabbing a glass to sip on. I'll need alcohol for this.

"Ms Hamilton," Harry says and I turn to look at him.

"Leah, call me Leah," I say after swallowing a mouthful of wine.

"Okay. You look lovely, Leah." I blush as I look at the ground. "Alright let's head in." I sip my drink as I follow closely behind him. When I look up I see a lot of people looking at me, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. With a light jog, I run to Harry's side, more or less latching onto his side.

He turns to look at me, noticing the anxiety and worry printed over my face. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, stopping his walking to look at me.

"Everyone's looking at me.." The women were glaring while the men were looking me up and down with hungry eyes. Mind you, the women that were on their arms were stunning. Maybe older than me, but stunning nevertheless.

"It's alright, you're just a new face. C'mon, love." Harry's hand grabs mine, giving it a tight squeeze as he leads me further into the crowd.

With Harry's hand covering mine I felt comforted and protected. Harry leads me through to a group of people. "Harry, how's it going?" an elderly man says. His hair was light brown but littered with grey, thick glasses hiding his eyes. He was wearing a cream coloured suit.

"I'm good, thanks." He says looking nervous. I look up at him, eyeing the way his jaw was tensing and releasing rapidly.

"And who do we have here?" he asks, my attention snapping back to the man.

"Oh, erm..." When he doesn't speak I take it upon myself to answer.

"I'm Leah, Harry's date. It's lovely to meet you," I say reaching my hand out to shake his.

"It's nice to meet you, too." He says with a small smile.

"Kevin," someone calls, the man looking over Harry's shoulder at the person calling him.

"Oh, I must excuse myself. It was nice to see you again, Harry. Lovely to meet you, love." The man, Kevin, says as he kisses the back of my hand.

"Yeah, you too." I say before Kevin walks away. When he's gone I turn to Harry who was already glaring at me. "What?" I ask, confused about what I did.

"You shouldn't have done that." he says, storming away from me. I was stood confused, not sure why Harry had reacted the way he had. What was the big deal? I just saved him from looking like a complete idiot.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, walking in the direction that Harry had run off. During my search, I am pulled up by somebody.

"Hey, you're not a face I've seen at many of these," a guy says and I blush, looking around in hopes I'll spot Harry. Honestly, at this point, I didn't know what I could or couldn't say.

"Um, yeah." I mutter, sparing a short glance to him before continuing my search for Harry.

"What's your name?" He asks with a kind smile. As I open my mouth to speak, a hand rests on my lower back.

"Leah, she's with me tonight." I hear the deep, husky voice next to me. My muscles relax a little at some familiarity with Harry next to me.

"Oh, it's about time you started seeing another bird." I narrow my eyes in curiosity as I look toward Harry. I wonder what happened with them...

"Yeah," Harry was clearly uncomfortable about something that was being said. "Well, we're gonna go. I've gotta meet up with Stan. Nice seeing you Lucas." Harry says to dismiss the both of us.

"Yeah, you too. I hope to see more of you, Leah." his smirk and voice makes a shiver run down my spine.

"Yeah," I mumble as I follow after Harry like a lost puppy dog. And honestly, I kind of felt like it. "So what was that about."

"Nothing that concerns a girl that I only brought here to get people off my back. But all its done is caused more questions. Fuck, I'm paying you to just sit here and look pretty, that's it." he growls, sipping his glass half filled with whiskey.

"I need to use the bathroom," I stand from my chair and head to the bathroom.


A little more interesting I hope. :) x

(EDIT: Okay, so I just reread this and... well, I'm disgusted this is my writing :( I am going to (eventually) update this. I'll keep the contents the same, just reword it. Also, keep in mind this isn't proofread (: )

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 08.05.2018
Edited: 18.06.2018

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