Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Since we had moved into the apartment Harry had been staying over a lot more. We found it more convenient between him having to work and my classes. Most mornings were spent with Harry still snuggled under the covers while I got up to go to class. But, every afternoon that I got home there would be a note laying on my table next to my bed.

Some mornings, when Harry had to start early too, we would go get coffee together at the café near the campus.

Everything between us had been going really well, and honestly I didn't think it could be ruined by anything at the moment.

I roll over, eyes falling onto the man laying in my bed beside me. His curls had become a mess during his sleep. I watch his lips, slightly parted as soft snores blow from them, fanning over my breath in hot waves. His bare torso was exposed, the duvet handing low on his body. I was held tightly to him, arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

I smile at him, hands running through his soft curls. They still smelt like my shampoo.

"Mmm," Harry mumbles as he pulls me a little closer. "That feels nice," he tells me as he rolls his head a little. His eyes flutter open, his beautiful green orbs shining through. "Morning,"

His morning voice always made me feel like I should just jump on him. "Morning," I smile, pressing my lips gently against his.

I felt as though Harry and I were dating, just without the label of 'boyfriend and girlfriend'. I didn't want to question it, though. It had been a while since he had snapped at me and I didn't want to do anything that may change that.

"I'm hungry," he pouts at me, breaking the silence that had built around us. I smile as I crawl out of bed, pulling over one of Harry's shirts from the floor. My room was currently a mess from mine and Harry's clothes. I seriously had to clean it.

"C'mon, I'll make pancakes." He nods with an eager smile. He crawls out of bed, grabbing a pair of sweats from the floor, following me down the hall.

We walk into the kitchen and Harry jumps onto the counter as I find a bowl. I add the ingredients before mixing the batter. "Wanna taste?" Harry nods, legs kicking over the counter. He looked like an excited child.

I dip my finger into the smooth batter, holding it out to Harry. He smirks at me, licking the batter off of my finger. His tongue swirls around me, cleaning every drop of batter.

"Mmm, tastes good, baby." I blush moving back over to the pan.

Harry and I sit down to eat after I have cooked the pancakes. We then decide that we needed to do some shopping, the fridge and cupboards looking bare after not buying any food for over a week.

I dress myself in my black skinny jeans and black converse before adding my grey sweater, shielding my body from the bitter air. Harry wore tight black jeans, the knees torn out. He adds a white t-shirt and his brown boots before we set off to the store.

In the car, I turn the dials on Harry's heater, warming the confined space. Nothing was spoken between us as we drove, listening to the hum that the radio provided for us. For the whole drive, Harry left his warm hand against my thigh, my hand lacing with his own.

We pull into the store, finding it difficult to locate a park in the crowded area. "For fucks sake!" Harry cries when a black Jeep swings into a park Harry had aimed for. He bangs his fist against the steering wheel.

"Harry, stop!" I cry just as he moves to open the door and attack the man who jumps out with a smirk. "It's fine, we'll find another one." Harry huffs out a breath before shifting into drive and looking for another park.

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