Chapter Nine

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W A R N I N G: This part may contain mild sexual themes. Please skip if this is not for you. Thank you. For those that continue, enjoy x

Harry and I hang around the party for an hour or so more before I yawn, my lack of sleep lately finally catching up with me. We had done almost nothing, yet I felt extremely exhausted.

"Harry," I whisper into his ear. He hums to let me know that he's listening, not turning his head toward me. "I'm tired and want to go home," a sigh leaves Harry's lips before he gives me a curt nod.

Throughout the dinner, after Harry and I had our little tiff, he'd been acting a little off to me. I didn't know what I had done wrong, but apparently I had offended him.

"Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone." he stands from the seat, everyone looking at us before bidding their goodbyes. I was confused as to why Harry said he was leaving too. I was going home.

As we walk out, Harry latches his hand onto my own, leading me to the elevator. "Harry, where are we going?" I ask, eyebrows pulled in tightly. I just wanted to go home.

"Do you wanna stay here with me?" He asks me and I bite my lip. He kind of sounded as though he was almost begging me to stay. As much as I wanted to say no, to go home and sleep and never think of Harry again, I nod my head. Something was drawing me towards this man but I had no idea what that was. And I don't know if I cared to find out...

"Okay," Harry gives me a lopsided smile and I smile back. I had no idea what was going on with him, but I had a feeling the alcohol was involved.

We stand in the elevator, Harry's hand not letting mine go free. We arrive five floors up and Harry leads me down the hall to a room. He pulls a key from his left pocket, pushing it into the lock. He swings the door open and I am surprised with the stunning room, not that I expected any less. I get the feeling Harry was one of those men that only got the best.

I bite my lip as I look around. "Wanna drink?" Harry slurs and I shake my head.

"Harry, can I just go to bed?" I ask, truly tired.

"Of course, love. Take the bed," he says as he guides me with his hand planted firmly on my back. I walk in to find a massive king mattress. I turn to look at him, blushing a little.

"Harry, I can't wear this to bed... and I don't have a bra on or any other clothes." biting my lip I look at Harry in the eyes. "Maybe I should just go home." I suggest but Harry shakes his head.

"No, no, you can um, borrow a shirt? I don't know, just please stay?" I frown, I had no idea what was going on with him. It wasn't long ago he didn't even want me talking to other people. I nod as Harry makes his way to his bag, pulling out a white button up. "Here," he says as he hands over the material. I smile as I thank him. Excusing myself, I head into the bathroom, stripping from the dress and pulling on Harry's shirt. I stand in front of the mirror, attempting to remove my makeup before undoing my hair and fixing it into a bun.

When I walk out I find Harry sitting on the end of the bed, glass of liquor clasped in his hand as he swirled it around.

When he notices my presence, he stands up, one hand in his pocket as he walks to me. "Thank you for doing this tonight. And, um, I'm sorry about how I acted. You don't deserve that and I'm sorry." he says and I bite my lip, a habit that helps me when I'm nervous.

"It's fine...." Harry smiles as he walks over to me. He stops when he's just in front of me. He places his glass on the cupboard next to me. His next action takes me by surprise as his hand rests lightly on my hip.

The other hands joins his previous hand. Tightening them a little and pulling me closer. I feel my heart beat pick up, the anxiety burning through my body. My breathing pattern changes, becoming irregular at the anticipation of what was to come.

His hand leaves my left hip, moving to my cheek as he runs his thumb over the skin of my cheekbone. His gentle touch was something that I had never felt before. I had only ever kissed three other guys, but all of them were rough. None of them treated me with such delicacy like I might break like Harry was.

"Can I kiss you?" His voice as only a whisper, his hot breath fanning over my face. My nostrils are filled with the strong scent of whiskey.

I know that I shouldn't agree, that I should push him away because alcohol was controlling him and he'd regret it in the morning. But, my head was already nodding to agree. He smiles and he looks at my puckered lips.

Leaning in, he gently places his soft, cherry lips onto my own. The feeling bubbling inside makes me feel giddy. My hand lifts from my side, clinging to the back of Harry's neck as the other reaches for his locks, gripping onto them.

Harry runs his warm tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance into my mouth. I accept as I open my mouth, Harry's tongue instantly darting into my mouth. He starts to explore my mouth. I moan into Harry's mouth, that being his need to intensify the kiss.

He works a little more roughly against my lips, hands drifting down to my bottom, squeezing. I was a little surprised by his sudden roughness. With one strong motion, Harry picks me up and pins me against the wall. His mouth continues to work feverishly against my own.

He moves me over to the cupboard where his glass was sitting. As he places me down he knocks his glass over, the alcohol spilling over onto the cream coloured carpet. He releases my lips from his captivating ones. Without a word he bends down and places his lips against my bare thighs.

I moan as he peppers kisses all over my legs. He smirks at me before picking me up and taking me over to the bed, dropping me down. He crawls on top of me attaching his swollen lips to mine once again.

He trails his lips from my own to my neck nibbling and kissing. I squirm as he continues, moaning under his skillful tongue.

He slowly moves down, fingers flicking open each of the buttons on his shirt that covered my body. Slowly, my bare chest comes into view, Harry kissing lightly over my beasts. "I'm going to make you feel so good baby," He says against my skin. When I don't reply he looks back up at me, taking in my facial expression. "Have you ever...?" he trails off and I shake my head, biting harshly on my lip.

"Fuck!" he says as he stand up, running his hand through his messy locks. I sit up, starting to button up the shirt again. Harry turns around, swinging the door open before slamming it again.

"Harry!" I call, running after him. When I get out he wasn't in the room, and I wasn't going to be running after him in just a shirt and panties so I turn on my heel and head back to the room to go to sleep. Heel come back when he's ready.

As I crawl into bed my mind replaying everything that just happened, the events clouding my dreams as I drift into a deep sleep.


I hope this was a little better than other chapter. I've been sort of creating the outline of the story but now (hopefully) it will get a little bit more entertaining lol :) x

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights rights.

Published: 29.05.2018
Edited: 19.06.2018

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