Chapter Ten

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I roll over spreading my arms out. When they hit the soft mattress I sit up, the memories of what happened last night flooding over me like a tsunami.

I look around and find no trace of Harry. The glass of whiskey we had knocked over was still laying on the floor, a liquor stain soaked into the carpet. I sigh as I crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom. I do my business, washing my hands before investigating the rest of the suite. I don't find him anywhere, tears welling up in my eyes.

He had so many mood swings it gave me whiplash. And it was just so overwhelming that it stirred so many emotions that I had no other way to let them our except crying.

I had never slept with anyone because it just hadn't happened. I'd done... other things, but just never gone all the way. I almost slept with some stranger I met in a bar on my last birthday thanks to too much alcohol. But after he had me in only my underwear his roommate walked in and I stopped what was happening before running home.

I had a few boyfriends in high-school but I just never felt right to go all the way.

Wiping away my tears harshly with the back of my hand, I walk to the bathroom to fix my hair. As I reach the door, a pile of clothes catch my eye. They were sitting on the cupboard near the door. There was no note, just a white button up blouse, dark grey skinny jeans and black and white converse. Biting my lip, I pick up the pile and walk into the bathroom.

I strip from Harry's shirt and pull the fresh clothes on. I pull my hands through my hair to keep it looking tame. When I look presentable I grab my purse and shoes, leaving the dress before I head of.


When I get home I look at all the clothes sprawled over the ground. I decide that I might as well do the laundry.

Fixing a basket, I head to the laundry block and shove our clothes in. I wait around, playing on my phone before pulling the wet clothes out and shoving them into the dryer.

When they're finished, I take them back to my room. As I step in I find Harry sitting comfortably on my bed. I jump back, startled by his unexpected visit. I let out a gasp, placing my hand on my heart as it beats rapidly from the shock.

"Jesus," I say through a breath as I place the basket on the ground. "W-what are you doing here?" I ask, hands rested on my hips.

"I had to bring this back," he says lifting a dress bag. He unzips it a little and the dress from last night peers through. I bite my lip, nodding with a small 'thank you'. "Derek cleaned it this morning when he got you some clothes." He says as he gestures to what I was wearing.

"Okay, well it's here. You can go." I say before opening the door.

"I also came here to... apologize." he says and I bite my lip, closing the door. I could feel my heart beat picking up as my breathing became irregular.

My mind instantly became erratic with the thoughts that this apology may quickly become something more. "Oh," My voice was hoarse, sounding as though something was stuck in my throat.

Harry stands from the bed and my heart skips a beat as I forget how to breathe for a second. As he stands in front of me, the world sinks away. All that I could focus on was his warm, minty breath fanning over my hot skin as his cologne wafted into my nostrils. "I'm sorry..." His two words cut me out of my trance for a second as I nod. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you last night. It was wrong. " I nod again at his apology, not sure what else to do.

"O-okay," Harry had me all over the place. I was struggling to breathe, I couldn't seem to get my words out. I was all worked up, and for what? A simple, 'I'm sorry'? I open my mouth to speak, to tell Harry that he had to leave but nothing flows out as his large hands latches onto my hip. He pulls me into him before snaking his other hand into my other hip.

Not knowing what to do I stay frozen in my place, anticipating his next move.

He bends down, his lips inching cover to my own. My heart stops when they are only millimetres from my own. He keeps moving toward me, my eyes fluttering closed just before our lips press together. I physically relax in his arms at the sensation. I don't know what Harry was doing to me, but whenever he touched me I was at his mercy, ready to do anything asked.

"I'm sorry, love," he jumbles against out lips and I nod before pushing my lips onto his. My hand reaches to behind his head, pulling him closer to me.

I feel Harry's tongue dart out, my lips parting for him. His tongue wastes no time before slipping eagerly into my mouth, exploring my mouth. Our tongues battle against one another, each of us trying to win dominance.

Inevitably, Harry wins. I was putty for him now, he could do whatever he wished.

His hands start to drop on my body, finding their way to my bottom. He squeezes it before bringing a hand up and slipping it under my shirt. He reaches for my breast, squeezing it gently.

I can't help as I role my head back and moan loudly at the contact. His hands on my body felt so good. He drops his hand to the back of my thigh, his other hand on my other thigh. He lifts my body, my legs latching onto him as he does so.

He walks us over to the door, pushing my body against it roughly. I hear a click of the lock but I don't stop attacking Harry's lips. A moment passes of our make out session before Harry skilfully walks us to my bed.

He disconnects our lips as he drops me down onto my bed. I giggle a little, Harry smirking at me. He crawls onto my bed, leaning himself on top of me. With his knee, he shifts my legs apart, lips pressing against mine again. He moves them from my lips, dragging them down my jawline and down my neck. He sucks the skin under my ear making me squirm under him.

My hands reach down to his lower torso, starting with the buttons on his shirt. I moan again under him, eager to go further with him.

Harry pulls back, my actions stopping.

"Leah, wai-" Harry stops speaking and looks to the door as the handle knocks and a fist bangs in the door.


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©️ 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 02.06.2018
Edited: 19.06.2018

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