Chapter Seven

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"Um, Leah..." I hear Ally say wearily. Something seemed... off with the way she was speaking. "There's someone here for you... Derek?" I shoot up, shocked that he was here. Why is he so early?

"I thought he wasn't coming until ten," My hand sweeps the stray hairs off of my face as I look at the closed door, than to Ally.

"It's ten past, darling." Ally tells me and I pick my phone, igniting the screen to show that it was in fact eleven minutes past ten.

"Fuck," I curse as I crawl out of bed. "Where is he? Derek, I mean?" I say as I look around our small room, finding no trace of him.

"He's outside waiting." I nod once, walking to the door and opening it.

"Hi," My voice catches his attention as he looks at me.

"Ah, hello Ms Hamilton. Mr Styles sent me here," He says and I nod.

"Yeah, okay. Well, I just woke up so just let me get ready, yeah?"

"Um, okay." he says looking awkward. Oh god, I didn't want to make his job more difficult.

"You can wait inside if you want?" I offer but he shakes his head.

"I'll wait out here. I don't think Mr Styles would appreciate it." he answers and I am kind of thankful. It would be even more awkward if were trapped in the same room together.

"Okay, I'll try to be quick," I say before closing the door.

I rush to my closet and bite my lip, deciding what to wear today. I want something I can easily slip on and off for changing and trying out outfits.

I pull out a peach dress, adding nude heels before rushing to the mirror. I add concealer and mascara with a little eye shadow and eyeliner before brushing my hair.

It had only been thirty-five minutes before I grab my purse and phone, heading outside. "Sorry," I mumble to Derek as I walk out. "Shall we go?" I ask and he nods, motioning for me to walk ahead.


We pull into a parking space, a white and gold painted shop showing through the car tinted window. I bite my lip, knowing that this place wasn't going to be cheap... and there were not enough digits in my account to buy from here.

Derek jumps out of the car, opening my door for me before I even get the chance to state my dilemma. I thank him as I stand awkwardly, awaiting his next move. When I realise that he wasn't planning on coming in I turn around to face him.

"Can you please come in with me. I have no idea what I'm shopping for, or anything about Ha- Mr Styles and what he might like. You'd know more about all this. Please," I ask and he nods. Walking to the door, opening it up so I can walk in. I was on a mission to find the cheapest dress I could.

"Follow me," Derek moves his hand to gesture to follow him as we walk up a flight of stairs.

There were racks of clothes scattered all over the place. The place was a maze that I would easily get lost in. Thankfully, I had Derek by my side. Derek walks over to the receptionist, discussing something with her.

"Hello, Ms Hamilton." She smiles. It was clearly fake, only being used for the sole purpose that I was a customer "with money", but I attempt to smile back anyway. "It's nice of you to finally arrive." I bite my lip to stop myself of saying something that I might regret. She could at least try to act a little more genuine. "Mr King, you can wait here." The receptionist tells him as she gestures to a chair against the wall.

I wonder why Harry called Derek by his first name....

Shaking the irrelevant thought, I listen to the lady as she tells me to follow her but I tell her to hold on for just a second. I run to Derek, handing him my purse and phone. I rush back to the lady, following her to wherever she was taking me.

She starts grabbing dresses off of different racks, hanging them outside of a dressing room. "Here," She says rudely and I have to bite back the snappy reply resting at the tip of my tongue.

I grab the first dress she held out and head into the dressing room, stripping from my dress and pulling on a dark navy one. It flowed down to the floor, but it honestly just reminded me of a sack. There was nothing special about it, and it hid all the limited curves my body had to offer. 

I walk out to face the rude lady, awaiting her harsh remarks about my appearance. I look at her name tag and find her name is Ashley. "Oh no, that looks terrible on you. Try the next." She says and let out a harsh breath. Wow, great people skills...

I try on four more dresses, each getting disapproving remarks from Ashley. Now I was up to the sixth and I didn't like it, but I wasn't I'm the mood for any more of Ashley's comments.

I step out and the grimace that spreads across her face tells me that her comments aren't going to pleasant. "Ew, definitely not. God your body is so hard to dress for."

"Enough." I say, my voice stern as I stare coldly at the horrible human before me. "Ashley, yeah?" She nods in confirmation so I continue with what I was saying. "Well, Ashley. I have had enough of the cruel comments. I don't know what's wrong with you, why you're treating me like shit, but I'm over it. If your attitude doesn't change then I will be speaking to you boss. Cut the shit." I say before turning on my heel and walking back into the dressing room.

I strip from the dress and pull on the next one. I was happy with this one. It was a loose fit, flowing down to the floor and showing a little shoe. The back droops down to a little above my bum. The gold silk material is matched with gold chain straps.

I really liked this one and just hoped that Ashley didn't have anything mean to say, because I didn't want to give up this one.

I step out and thankfully, she doesn't look disgusted. She actually look like she kind of liked the dress. "That's the one, Ms Hamilton." She says and I smile a little, twirling in the mirror.

"May I show Derek?" I ask and she nods. I wanted to ask him if this was appropriate for tonight and if Harry would like it. He was paying for my company so I thought he should approve.

I walk around the corner to see Derek looking all around the shop, finding absolutely anything to entertain himself. "Derek," I say, his eyes dropping from the air vent to look at me. "Is this alright for tonight?" he nods as he stands. Clearly eager to leave. I think at this point, anything I showed him would have been acceptable for tonight in his opinion. "What about Mr Styles? Would he like it?" my voice becomes a little quieter in hopes Ashley won't hear the conversation. She didn't need to know what was happening.

"I'm sure he'll love it, love." he smiles reassuringly at me and I give him a look to 'thank you'. He seemed genuine, as though he knew I needed the approval. "If you go change, I'll sort out payment."

My eyes bulged, but the weight that had been set on my shoulders from as soon as we walked in, to the glance I took at the price tag lifts away. I nod a little before doing as I am told and walking back to where I had come from.


I'm sorry, this was a little boring. I'm hoping the next one will be a bit better :)

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 29.04.2018
Edited: 07.06.2018 (my birthday :D)

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