Chapter Six

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I throw my shower bag into my closet along with my towel before walking over to my bed. I sit down and pull out the papers with the agreement Harry had constructed, the printing very neat and formal. I had to read over it, and now was my best bet without Ally in the room. If saw she would definitely have some questions.

Confidentiality Agreement

Involved Parties:
Party One: Harry Styles
Party Two: Leah Hamilton

1. Enclosed terms
1.1. The following terms will be in agreement to protecting the personal information of Party One from Party Two.
1.2. The following agreement will also protect Party Two from having any said unwanted information released.

2. Purpose of Agreement
2.1. The purpose of this agreement is to make clear what information the second party is entitled to reveal to a third party without broadcasting any confidential information Party One may not want shared to a third party or more.
2.2. By reading and signing this contract the second party will have full understanding of what they can and can't disclose about the first party. If there are questions, the second party must ask them prior to signing.

3. Agreement
3.1. During the time spent with the first party, should the second party hear of any personal information (family, health, relationships, wealth, etc.) they are not permitted to share with tabloids.
3.2. By signing this, the second party agrees to not give any information to paparazzi about the whereabouts of the first party.
3.3. Just as the first party's information is to stayed confidential, so shall the second party's.
3.4. Party two should recognise that even once the time spent together is complete, they are still not to reveal any information to public sources.
3.5. If any personal information is leaked by either party legal action will be taken.
3.6. Should the first party be the one to leak the information, they will be eligible for all legal fees, and vice versa.
3.7. On giving out any information consent must be given from the other party before doing so.

4. Conclusion
4.1. Both parties have discussed any concerns in regard to the above agreement and made any necessary changes before signing.
4.2. Both parties have read and understand the terms and conditions that the contract holds and agree by the signatures below.

Party One: Harry Styles

Party Two: Leah Hamilton

I re-read the contract before sighing. At the very bottom was Harry's mobile number. I bite my lip as I debate on calling him. I had some questions.

On the third ring he answers.

"Hello, Harry Styles speaking." he says rushed. He sounded busy. Maybe I should call back... "Hello?" he snaps when I don't initially reply.

"Um, it's Leah. I mean, Ms Hamilton." I answer and he sighs.

"Ah yes. Are you satisfied? Any questions?"

"Yes. One."

"Okay, shoot." he says and I sigh.

"How minor is the information that I can't talk about? I mean, like if something happened between us, I can't tell my roommate? Or if I find out your mother's name, I can't say anything?" I inquire.

"No. None of my information is to be shared without consent. Same goes with you, Ms Hamilton. I can't talk to anyone about you without your permission." he explains and I sigh as I throw myself against the bed.

"This is a lot of effort for one night." I say and he sighs.

"I have to make sure I'm protected. Many girls try to get close to me to expose my life to tabloids and make easy money."

Hearing why he had to do this broke my heart. It sucked that girls had used him just to get small details and sell him. They just want him for the money.

And so do you... My conscious adds.

"So, are you available tomorrow night Ms Hamilton?" Harry asks and I nod, forgetting that he can't see me.


"Okay, tomorrow morning at ten, Derek will be by to take you shopping."

"Okay," I squeak. I wanted to tell him that I could find something in my closet but decide against it. I doubt I have anything that wouldn't make me look like a homeless woman in comparison to the other women.

"Once the night is over I will have the money wired into your account and we will be able to part ways." he explains and I agree before hanging up.

I still felt as though what I was doing was morally wrong. But I needed money. I was desperate.

I push the papers into my draw so Ally won't find them before laying in bed and trying desperately to get comfortable. However, my overactive mind has another idea.

My mind starts running word with what to expect. I had no idea what sort of event I was even attending with him. All I knew was that it was for his business. Was it going to be really fancy? Or was everyone going in business attire? What was the reason for the "gathering"?

My mind gets the better of me as I sit up and reach for my phone. Opening my call log I click the number at the top. My heart sinks when I hear the lines connect with each other.

"Yes, Ms Hamilton?" He says. I could practically hear the smirk playing on his lips at my phone call.

"Um," I say, not sure I was calling. I know I wanted to ask questions about tomorrow, but I couldn't get the words out. Hearing his voice had me nervous and intimidated, any intelligent thoughts no where to he found.

"Ms Hamilton? Is there something you wanted to say?" he says and this time he sounds as though he is exhausted and annoyed with me limited response.

"Um, y-yes." I stammer, palming my forehead. "I, ah, had some questions about tomorrow. Like, um, what's this thing for?" I ask and cringe. This "thing"? Real smooth, Leah.

"It's to further my business. To establish partners. It's like a big dinner to discuss potential business with other companies. If that makes sense," he tries to explain and I nod, inwardly groaning as I realise he can't see the gesture.

"Um, ah, y-yes. Kind of." I pause as I think over my next words, ensuring to not stumble over them. "Why do you need me there?"

"If it was up to me, you wouldn't." He says and his words kind of sting. "But, my mate said a lot of the men going are married and they'll respect me more if I have a girl with me. I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a shot." he says and I nod again. I roll my eyes before telling him goodbye and hanging up.

Oh god, if I was scared before...


Hope this was alright haha. Thanks for reading x I would also like to add that my 'contract' was just made up off the top of my head. Hope it was still okay.

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 29.04.2018
Edited: 18.06.2018

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