Chapter Two

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I roll over as my phone rings loudly waking me from my short slumber. I pick up the device, ignoring the caller ID and declining the call. I'll ring them back later.

After my night out with Ally, I had only been in bed for a short amount of time -no more than two hours- and I was starting to feel the lack of sleep. Just as I get comfortable, my phone starts ringing again. I sigh, leaning over to decline the call again.

“Shut that fucking thing up!” Ally growls into her pillow.

I roll over hoping the unidentified caller will get the idea and not ring me back. However, they have different idea. Deciding that I need to answer or the other person won't stop, I pick up the phone and press it to my ear.

“Hello?” I say into the phone, voice groggy with sleep.

“Leah!” Chris shouts into the phone. I wince as I pull the phone away from my ear, my head beginning to pound viciously. “I need you down here, now!”  He screams and I wince again, pulling the phone away once again.

“Chris, I can't. I don't really feel well-”

“I don't care. You have half an hour.” Chris says before hanging up. I sigh, crawling out of bed. I better get down there...

I strip the dress off of my body before pulling on some jeans and a plain tee. I grab my purse and phone before making my way down to the restaurant.

When I arrive I find two police cars parked out the front. I walk in through the front entrance, finding four cops in side talking to Chris.

“Excuse me for a second,” he says to the cops, walking over to me.

“Hey Chris, what happened?”

“I don't know Leah. Why don't you tell me?” I was confused to say the least.

“I-I don't understand.” I say and he sighs.

“You locked up last night, yeah?” he asks and I nod. “Well, the back door wasn't locked and this morning when I came in it was wide open and all the change in the toll was gone.” he says and I feel my heart drop, sinking to the pit of my stomach. I felt physically sick.

“No I locke-” I stop when I realise I didn't. I just shut the door behind me because that's all I usually did. “Shit, Chris, I'm so sorry.”

“Oh no, don't worry about it, sweetie. Sorry is definitely worth $570. It's fine just come in tonight but we won't be letting you lock up again, huh?” was he serious? Was this it? Just a 'slap on the wrist' so to speak.

“Chris, I won't let it happen again.” I say and he chuckles.

“Of course you won't. I'm sorry Miss Hamilton. You're fired.”

“Chris, please don't do this. I need the money.”

“And I need reliable workers. I'm sorry, Miss Hamilton. I'll post your last paycheck within the next two weeks.” with that, he turns around and heads back to the police.

With tears leaking subtly from my eyes I run out of the restaurant, heading back to the dorm. How was I supposed to pay for college with no money and no job?

After walking for only ten minutes, I receive a phone call. I look at the caller ID praying that if was Chris calling to tell me that it was sick joke, that I still had my job and needed to be there by 6:15 tonight.

Instead, the school's number shows on the screen. Sighing, I slide the bar across. “Hello?”

“Hello, is this Miss Hamilton?” a kind lady asks and I sigh.

“Yes, how can I help you?” I snap. I was too impatient and upset to be dealing with anything at the moment.

“Oh, er, Mrs Williams would like you to meet her at her office if you could.” She informs me and I sigh, hand rubbing over my face to wipe stray tears.

“Yeah, okay. I should be there close to ten minutes.” and with that I hang up. A meeting with the dean. I wonder what this could be about... I say sarcastically in my head with a roll of my eyes.

When I reach the office, I approach the front desk. “Hello, how can I help you?” the lady asks. I recognize her as the one that made the phone call to me.

“I'm Miss Hamilton. Mrs Williams wanted to see me?”

“Oh, yes. Head right in.” She says and I do as I am told. When I walk in Mrs Williams stands, gesturing for me to take a seat.

I sit down, already knowing that this wasn't going to be a positive conversation. “So Miss Hamilton, I have called you down here on behalf of your payments. Your dorm hasn't been paid for the last quarter of the semester. Your payment plan says that each quarter you are to pay the full amount. Also, your tuition payment was due three days ago.”

I was aware that I hadn't made any payment for my tuition but I thought my dorm was paid for. That was my parents' job.

“I'll talk to my parents about the dorm but I will need a little more time for my tuition. I have no money and just lost my job.” I explain and Mrs Williams sighs.

“Miss Hamilton have you considered moving into a sorority? Your rent payments will be much cheaper. Or you could live off campus. Applying for scholarships may help too.”

“Respectively, I have applied for many scholarships but have been denied every time.” I say and she frowns.

“Well, Miss Hamilton I can give three weeks for your tuition. As for the dorm, you have a week. Thank you.” She says. I stand as tears leak from my eyes again.

Storming out of the office I head to the room. I sit on my bed, knees hugged closely to me as my head rests on top of them. I didn't want to move, I didn't want drop out but at this point it was looking like I had no other option.

I open my eyes, spotting Ally's silver dress on the floor. “I got a sugar daddy,” her words play in my mind over and over again.

I can't help myself as I reach for my laptop clicking the internet icon...


Hope this was good, it seemed a little rushed. Thanks x

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved. 

Published: 12.03.2018
Edited: 20.04.2018

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