Chapter Sixteen

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"I don't know where to begin..." I bite my lip, not sure what I could say to encourage him. He let's out a sigh before starting.

"When I was five, I saw my father beat my mother." I gasp, the words not at all what I had been expecting to hear. "I don't know why he was doing, but I walked into the kitchen and saw my father slap my mother across the cheek. Then he did it again and again. I didn't know what to do so I started screaming, crying out for him to stop. Mum tried to rush over to me but my father wouldn't let her. He pushed her away and she fell back, hitting her head on this shitty table. Then I was in trouble by my father for hurting my mum.

"I cried harder when I saw her on the floor. I thought that maybe she was dead, that I was the reason she was killed. My father yelled at me, he said I was a pussy, that only little girls cry. He slapped me then sent me to bed.

"After that, every night I used to listen to my mother being beaten. I listened to that for four years through the walls. My older sister, Gemma, had no idea that mum was being beaten every night. Either that, or she didn't care.

"On my ninth birthday we were kicked out of the house that we were renting and moved into some crap apartment dad found. It had one bedroom which Gemma and I had to share. My father and mum slept out in the living room.

"It seemed after that my father stopped hitting mum. But things got worse. When I was thirteen, mum and Gemma had to go to some school camp thing for Gem, so I was left alone with my father. That was when I found our father was involved in a drug gang.

"He'd brought home some guy covered in blood, body lifeless. He made me watch as he held a gun to the man's head and shot him. I couldn't tell mum because he threatened to do the same to her.

"When I was fifteen I finally stood up to my father for the first time. I walked in on him when he was hitting my mum again. I walked up and punched him right in the face. Of course he hit back and I lost. But that wasn't the last time I was going to stand up to him. After that, whenever I heard him hitting mum, I'd run out and stop it.

"After I turned eighteen, mum, Gemma and I ran off to live with my aunt. We were there for about a year before Mum remarried. Her new husband helped send me to university and that's how I became as successful as I am now."

By the end of what we had said I was in tears. I stand up, walking over to where Harry sat, head held in his hands that rested on his knees.

"Harry, I'm so sorry."

"I didn't tell you because I wanted your pity," he scoffs.

I can't help as I ask, "why did you?"

"I don't know, Leah. I've never told anyone that, except my ex." he says and the thought of his ex stings my chest. "I knew her since I was sixteen, and I only told her about two years ago..." He confesses and I bite my lip. Suddenly, the stinging sensation had vanished.

"Thank you," I squeak.

Harry chuckles, hands gripping my hips as he pulls me closer to him. He rests his head on my lower stomach as my hands run aimlessly through his curly locks.

"What are you doing to me, Hamilton?"

"I don't know, Styles." I say and he chuckles before he stands up. He grips my face with both hands, pulling my face to his own. I feel his lips on mine and I relax. I missed this feeling. No matter how much he angered me, the pain he struck in my chest, he could win me over with his kiss. And that was the most frustrating part.

Our lips dance together and I try to bite back the moans threatening to slip out. I let one out just as the door opens and Millie's voice rings through the tension filled air.

"Leah, mum wants yo- yuck!" she squeals as she rushes away. I pull back from Harry, cheeks heating with embarrassment.

"Um," I mumble as I wipe my lips gently.

"Come on," Harry says with a gentle smile as he leads me inside my house.

I know that we hadn't worked anything out between the two of us. And I was well aware that even though we now knew each other's past, it didn't fix anything between us. But right now I felt closer to Harry than I had to anyone before, and I wanted to just live like this for as long as it was going to last before reality came back.

"Erm," Mum says she looks at us. I guess Millie told her. "Will you and Harry being staying?"

"Um, I'm sorry Jane, but I have to leave. I've got something planned early in the morning. I'm sorry, but thank you very much for your hospitality." Harry was so freaking polite.

"Oh no, that's fine. Thank you for coming by. Leah, are you going too?" I had planned go stay the night but I felt it would be far too awkward now that Harry had come by. The questions would be thrown at me all night if I stayed. I knew the first one would be about our kids, then the fighting.

"Do you mind if I get a lift back?" I ask Harry and he shakes his head with a large grin.

"Okay, well we should get going." Harry says and I smile. I bid my goodbyes to my family before following Harry out to the car.

"Can I please go home?" I ask when we start driving and I hear Harry sigh.

"I thought you'd come stay at my place tonight?" he says, voice clearly irritated.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Harry we're barely on talking terms. Please, can you take me to my dorm." in the corner of my eye I see Harry run his hand through his hair, but he doesn't say anything.

I wanted so badly to do something in hopes of soothing the tense air. I wanted to say something to Harry but didn't know what to say. I wanted to change the station from some sloppy country love song, but didn't know how Harry would react.

It seemed Harry was a ticking time bomb, any sudden move setting it off and blowing us up.


I hope this was okay. Please comment and give me feedback of what you might want to see happen.

Thanks, x

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Thanks to the oh so inspirational words of ThatOneExoticPotatoe I have decided to enter my books into the Wattys and see what happens. :)

Published: 27.06.2018
Edited: 28.06.2018

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