Chapter Thirty-Four

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Time to finish ... :(

Harry and I hadn't spoken since the day at the hospital. And as much as I was hurting that we had the fight, I think I was more hurt that he hadn't reached out to me. I understood that what I may have said was a little harsh, but he is just as much involved and to blame as me.

I continue to pack my suitcase, eager to head home. School was finished for the year, the holidays just around the corner. I had hoped that maybe I would spend time with Harry over the holidays, but that would be if we were talking. Instead, I had decided to go home and just spend time with my family.

"Ally, I'm going!" I call out, ally coming out of her room. Ally was staying back a week or two because she still had exams she had to get done. I, however, made sure to finish them a week earlier.

"Okay, I'm going to miss you so much!" She gushes as she walks to me, wrapping her thin arms around me.

"I'll miss you too. Well be back before you know it." I try to encourage and she nods.

"I'm gonna miss this place though," ally says as she looks around.

Ally and I had decided that we would move out of the apartment. We didn't think it was right to be living in it now that Harry wouldn't talk to me. As for the car, I mailed the keys to Harry's place with a note that read;

Dear Harry,
I figure that after not speaking for three weeks, you have decided that it's not working anymore and that we're no longer a couple. I know I haven't reached out, but that's merely because I am always the one to make the next step. We both lost something, not just you. I will miss you, after everything we have been through you will always mean something to me but clearly we aren't supposed to be. I should have known from the beginning it was only going to ruin the both of us, but I kept letting myself go in deeper and deeper. But as much as my heart swells and aches every time I think of you, I'd do it all again. I do wish the best for you and I'm sorry. Sorry for pestering you. Sorry for coming back time and time again, even though you pushed me away. I'm sorry for breaking down the walls you built, only to hurt you. I'm just sorry for it all. But just remember, I love you Harry Styles.
               Leah x

The paper I wrote on was covered by tear stains, but it was everything I needed to say written in words. The letter finalised our break up.

I couldn't even send the letter, I was too much of coward. Instead, I made Ally send it. I never received a reply, but the next day the car was gone from the car park when I got home. I knew it was all for the best but it still ached. Harry and I seemed to bring out the worst in one another. We would scream and push each other away only to pull them back and it wasn't healthy. I don't think I have ever cried as much as I have when I was with him.

But now we move on.


"Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Mum asks for the billionth time.

"Yes, mum. I'll be fine just go get the groceries," I reassure her once again, a new common thing when she leaves the house.

"Just call me if you need anything," She says before walking out. She jumps into the car, igniting the engine before reversing out of the drive and zooming down he road.

I look around the house, the Christmas decorations littering the room. The snow outside had calmed, only a thin sheet coating over the outdoors. However, Millie and her best former Sasha still found great enjoyment as they played with the white snow.

I decide that I might as well distract myself and make some cookies for tomorrow. Tomorrow was Christmas and I was excited and welcomed the idea of having something positive after what I had experienced over the past month or so.

I google a simple recipe, placing my phone upright against the wall as I start to collect my ingredients. I pile them together before adding them bit by bit into my mixing bowl. Just as I add some choc-chips to my mixture a knock sounds on the door. I suck some of the batter from my finger as I walk to the door. I swing the door open, heart sinking from the visitor. As surprised and startled as I was, I had kind of expected for him to be on the other side.

"Harry?" I ask through a shocked gasp.

"Um," he says scratching the back of his neck. "Hi," I take a moment to look at him, taking in the changes that he had made since I saw him almost two months ago. The bags under his eyes slightly darker than I had seen. His jawline was covered in stubble while his hair looked as though it had been trimmed just recently. His chubby cheeks were tinted a light pink from the bitter cold, reminding me that he was stood out in the weather.

"Come in." I offer as I step out of the way to let Harry pass by. He does so, standing awkwardly inside as I shut the door, stopping anymore cold air slipping inside. "So, um, why are you here?"

"Well, um," he says before clearing his throat. We were both treading lightly with each other at the moment, not sure how the other felt. It was odd. "I was just about to head to mum's but I thought I needed to see you. I figured you'd be here." He explains.


"Look, that day... I was a dick. I know it wasn't your fault and for both of us it felt like we lost a child, one that never even really existed, and it stung. It brought back a lot of old memories and seeing Brandy not long before, I just couldn't handle it any longer. I should have come see you the very next day and apologised, but I was too coward. I should never of abandoned you when I knew you needed me. I'm so sorry, Leah. And I'm not asking for your forgiveness, because I know that I don't deserve it. I'm not even going to ask you to try, because you shouldn't have to, not anymore. I'm sorry I hurt you so much, but you should know that I love you too, Leah Hamilton." His speech made my heart flutter.

"Thank you, Harry," I smile as he does too.

"Here," he say, trying to lighten the tense mood. I grab the box from him, opening it to find a charm bracelet. On it there is a hat that is worn to graduations, an Eiffel Tower, a martini glass and something that resembles a stack of paper.

"What's this?" I ask wanting to hear the explanation for each charm.

"Well, the martini glass represents Gem's party where we had 'it' for the first proper time, I guess. The graduation hat, well this was meant for your graduation present but I don't think we're going to be there together. I was going to collect them as we went along. The Eiffel Tower is for that trip we went on together. And while it was kind of the start of this mess, it was when I got to adore you looking at the landmark, so much wonder and admiration in your eyes. And the stack of paper, that represents how we first got to know each other and the confidentiality agreement." Tears rapidly fell from my eyes as he explained the gift. It was so thoughtful and just made all this hurt more knowing that it was coming to an end.

"Thank you, Harry." I smile, reaching over to give him a hug.

"Well I better get going before Gem and mum start panicking," he tells me and I nod. It hurt to say goodbye, but it had to be done. "Goodbye, Leah."

What was that saying? If you love something, let it go? Well I guess this was it...

"Goodbye, Harry."


Now we just have the epilogue. Who would have thought that the argument about the child was the one that pushes them over the edge and ends it all. When I started it, it was just another argument until it wasn't and escalated to more. And I thought it was a good time to draw their story to an end. Goodbye to Leah and Harry :( this chapter honestly made me cry a little...

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