Chapter Twenty-Four

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Harry's P.O.V

"Katherine, for the last time, I need that number sheet by 1:15. If it's not here, you don't have a job." I slam the phone down with a sigh, running a hand through my curls. This new assistant was doing my head in. No matter how simple the task I gave her, she still seemed to fuck it up.

Maybe I should offer Leah a job. Then I would get to see her walking around my office in tight dresses. I groan at the idea. There was no way I could do it. I wanted get any work done. My thoughts would certainly occupy me.

I go back to typing at my computer only to be disrupted by the phone for the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. Three of those were from Katherine asking stupid questions about the tasks I'd set for a first grader.

"Yes?" I spit into the receiver. I was not prepared for another stupid question from Katherine. I think I needed to upgrade my secretary.

"Well, I love the way I am greeted when I call my own son," my mother says and I sigh, instantly regretting how I answered the call.

"I'm sorry. I've had a long day," mum chuckles, not really bothered by my greeting. It wasn't the first time I had answered one of her calls in a sour mood. She was used to me.

"I know, sweetie. You know you're a very hard man to get a hold of. I had been calling and texting you but no answer. I had to result in calling your office, Harry." Mum scolds and I sigh.

"I'm sorry," I say to her again. "So, what is so important?" I wonder, curious about why she felt so desperate to get in contact with me.

"I was just clarifying that you were coming to your sister's birthday on Friday." I nod. I would never miss my sister's birthday.

"Yeah, I'll be there. Just text me the details,"

"Are you sure you'll get it?" Mum asks sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, mum." She chuckles before speaking again.

"Gemma wanted you to bring a date. I told her that you don't bring dates but she said that's what you got to give her for her birthday." Mum informs me and I sigh. Maybe this could be the time I introduce Leah to my family?

"Yeah, okay. I'll see what I can do," I offer her and I know that on the other end she's smiling. She claimed it was only Gemma that wanted me to bring a date, but I know she wanted to see me with a girl, too. Our chatter carries on for only a short ten minutes, briefly discussing the party before I am interrupted by a knock at the door. "Hold on a sec, mum. Yes?" Slowly the doors push open to reveal a shaken Katherine. Apparently she had yet to calm down from our last encounter. She better prepare herself for what's to come now...

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, Mr Styles, but Leah Hamilton is here to see you." She tells me and I can't control the grin that spreads across my lips. I didn't want to smile just because Leah was here. And I didn't want any of my staff thinking I had a weak spot.

I hide the grin as quick as it came, nodding once. "Okay, send her in." I hold the phone to my ear, ready to tell mum goodbye just as Leah walks in. She shoots me a shy smile which I happily return with my own, bigger one.

"Mum?" She hums back to tell me she is still connected. "I gotta go, a client just arrived." I let out a little white lie, my eyes not leaving the shy girl standing awkwardly in my office.

"Okay, sweetheart. I'll see you on Friday," I agree, saying goodbye and exchanging 'I love you's.

"And what brings you here?" I ask the girl in front of me with a smile spread across my lips. Leah shrugs, eyeing off my office.

"I don't know really," she chuckles before moving to the window behind me, standing in front of it. "This is nice. Working right here where you can look out at this view." She gushes, eyes following each car that drove by.

"Yeah, I don't like to get too close though. I'm afraid of heights." I confess and Leah looks over at me, examining me as if I had grown another head.

"Then why put your office here?"

"I seem more powerful," I answer, standing from my plush swivel chair. Leah rolls her eyes at my answer, not at all convinced. "Come 'ere," I say and Leah smirks, shaking her head.

"Come get me," she teases taking a step closer to the glass window. I sigh taking three steps before stopping.

"Please..." I whine and she giggles, walking over to me. She steps into my arms and I greet her with a tight hug.

"You know, you won't fall through a glass window if you just walk near it," she giggles and I embrace the heavenly sound.

"I just don't trust it. Too risky," she rolls her eyes, smiling at me.

I reach down and peck her lips before picking her up and taking her over to my desk. Gently, I place her down, hands on her thighs as my lips mould against hers.

"So, are you free on Friday?" I ask against her lips and she nods, eyebrows pulling down. "How would you like to go to my sister's party as my date?" The surprised look on her face made me chuckle. I don't think she had ever expected me to ask that question. I don't think she had expected to be my date to anything. Let alone a family event.

"Oh, ah..." she looks around, not sure how to answer before looking back at me yet again. "What sort of party?" She asks and I shrug.

"Just a casual one," I explain, trying to think over the details I had been given so far. The colours were black and white, nothing too extravagant.

But I knew when my sister said that, she still wanted us to look more fancier than causal. Gemma's idea of casual meant an ironed button up and dress pants or a fancy dress. While I just thought of jeans and a t-shirt being casual.

"I don't know..." she says and she looks down, almost looking embarrassed.


"Your family seems all posh, and I'm just... not." She answers and I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry, love. You'll be fine."

I bend down, resting my head against her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume. Lightly, my lips trail over her soft skin, a moan slipping from her lips.

Thanks for reading. So guess what new characters are being introduced next chapter?? ;)

Thanks, xx

©️2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 08.08.2018

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