Chapter Seventeen

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I was nervous as Harry pulled into the parking space. Last time he wanted me to stay and I said no, that I wanted to go home, we had a big fight. And small things seemed to trigger him to want to fight so I don't see why this would be an exception. I had been mentally deciding on how I was going to approach him.

"Thank you," I mumble quietly to him as I open the door of the car. Harry just hums in response, not having the decency to give me a real reply. I sigh before I jump out of his car and shutting the door, probably a little harder than what was necessary.

I walk into the building, not paying attention to anyone or anything around me. It seemed that after I had spent too much time with Harry I was always in a bad mood because of the way he treated me. If he wasn't so goddamn bipolar, than maybe we could get along better.

Although, after everything that he had told me while we were back at my house, I felt that we had grown closer and more emotionally intimate.

But I was afraid with how long that would actually last for... and by the looks of it, it was coming to an end already.

I arrive at our door, shoving my key into the lock aggressively, pulling the door open before shutting it again. I throw myself onto my bed, face shoved into the covers. I wanted and needed to block out the entire world out at this point. I decided to listen to my music, pulling my phone from my pocket but am disappointed when it shows the low battery symbol.

I pull out my charger and plug it in, eagerly awaiting for the device to turn back on. After a few minutes, the screen ignites and I unlock my phone, opening my music app.

I hit the shuffle all music button before locking my phone and shoving my ear buds into my ears, collapsing back onto my bed.

I must fall asleep not long after because I feel my shoulder being shaken. I open my eyes to find Ally standing above me, one hand on her hip while the other held a small pile of letters.

"You have some mail," she tells me as I pull the ear buds from my ears, sitting up in bed. She drops the letters on my nightstand before walking over to her bed.

"Who from?" I ask hoping she already knows, saving me the trouble of looking.

"You've got one from Chris, and another from the school," I sigh as I flip through the letters. So I got some money and I also got a bill that is far too expensive for what I could afford. My stomach drops at the thought of an eviction notice being folded up and hidden in the envelope.

I sigh as I rip open my cheque from Chris. I read the balance to find that I have only been paid $463. That was not nearly enough to pay for my food and have some leftover until I find a job.

I sigh as I pick up the letter from the school, fear running through my veins at the thought of what was in the letter.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do if got kicked out of here. Was I supposed to go home and just drop out of school?

I grab the other letter off of my nightstand and rip it open. I unfold the paper that was inside, heart beating that the price on the bottom of the page was going to be far too expensive.

However, when I look down I see I'm in credit. My tuition was paid for the rest of this year and the next. My dorm was also paid off for the rest of the semester.

My fear of my debt vanishes as anger seeps in. I pick up my phone, dialling Harry's number.

It keeps ringing, and just when I think I am going to be redirected to voicemail, I hear the static connection sound of our lines connecting.

"Well, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon," he says in a much more pleasant tone than how he felt when he dropped me off. "Leah?" he asks when I don't reply to him.

"Why did you pay my Uni fees?" I snap.

"Because it was apart of our deal. You needed the money and you were my date so I thought-"

"No Harry! I don't need you for your money. I had managed before I met you." I don't know why I was getting so angry about this. I guess I just didn't like the idea that Harry thought I was a charity case. I wanted to do things on my own. But then again, that is why I joined that sugar daddy website. I was desperate for money that I didn't have.

"Leah, I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to-"

"Well, I don't need your help," I cut him off, ending the phone call. I throw my phone onto my bed, feeling far too angry with him. I could handle myself without Harry feeling like he needed constantly help me. I don't want him to think that I have been spending time with him for his money. I know that's why we met, but it was different now. Things had gone further than it being just simply business.

I bite down onto my bottom lip as I hear my phone ringtone sounding through the small room. I pick up the small device to find Harry's name printed at the top of the screen. I slide my finger over to bottom screen, accepting the incoming call.


"Yeah," I answer, fingers picking at the edge of my blanket.

"I'm sorry," he says with sigh, my teeth still gnawing down on my bottom lip. I sit quietly as I wait for him to continue. "I hadn't intended to upset you, love. I just... I just wanted to make sure that you were going to be okay. I didn't want you to give up school because of money, you deserve to be there. I'm sorry, baby,"

I smile, heart skipping a beat with each pet name. "Thank you," I say back.

"I wanna take you out. Tomorrow."


"I'm going to take you out tomorrow, to make it up to you, love."

I smile at his offer. "Tomorrow?" I say as I try to hold back my excitement.

"Tomorrow," he says sounding just as excited.


"Okay, I'll see you then, princess."


Hope you liked this, even though it was a little boring. I kind of just wanted to establish a little of their relationship. All they do is fight though •_•

Now there are some of you that are begging for smut. So, next chapter...

Just, don't judge. I don't if I'm that great at writing it :)

Thanks, x

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 28.06.2018
Edited: 28.06.2018

*my editing was done quickly so I apologise if I missed something. Thank you. I will re-edit later.*

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