Chapter Fifteen

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"Harry?" I choke out. My throat was dry, the words not being able to come out.

"Hey," he says, scratching the back of his neck. This was the fist time I had seen him uncomfortable.

"Harry?" Mum says, both of us looking at her. "Would you like something to eat. It's chicken curry," mum offers. Harry smiles politely at my mother, accepting her offer. Mentally I curse at my mother for being so welcoming. Mum excuses herself once again, heading to the kitchen.

I watch Harry as he seats himself next to Nick and across from Millie. When Harry sits down I move my eyes from him to the food on my plate, pushing it around with my fork.

Harry was probably judging me for my house and family right now. The thought had my heart beating viciously in my chest, aching a little.

Harry lived in a big, glamorous house and probably came from a rich family. Where there was my family. A middle-class working family that struggled every other day with money.

It's not long before mum returns with a plate for Harry. She places it in front of him and he thanks her before eating. "This is delicious, Mrs Hamilton." He says.

"Oh please, call me Jane." mum says and I bite my lip. This was so awkward.

"So, Harry, how long have you known Leah?" I face palm at the question, a groan erupting in my throat.

"Oh, not long. Maybe close to a week?" he estimates and I nod. That seemed close. Four days is close enough to a week, right?

"Oh, not long at all." mum says skeptically, eyeing me.

The rest of the dinner passes with a little bit small talk being exchanged. Thankfully Harry keeps the details about himself very brief, answering mum's questions with ease.

"Mum, may Harry and I be excused?" I ask when we have both finished our meal. Mum nods as she continues eating her meal. I lead Harry to the kitchen where we rinse our plates before he follows me down the narrow hall and out to the back porch.

We sit on the porch swing, much too close than what I would have preferred at the moment. I was still beyond pissed off with how Harry had treated me these past few days, especially earlier today.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"I went to your dorm and you weren't there. Ally told me this is were you'd be, so here I am." he explains and I nod.

"You shouldn't have come here..." Harry sighs.

"We need to talk, Leah," I swallow harshly at his words. I was honestly too scared to talk to Harry.

It all falls silent before I talk. "This relationship between us is unhealthy and should probably stop." I say. "All we do is argue,"

"I'm sorry for the way that I have been treating you." he says and while his apology was momentarily soothing, it didn't fix much. It didn't change his attitude.

"So... where's you're dad?" Harry asks randomly. I don't know if I was happy that the subject changed or if I was worried because I had to talk about my life, about my family. It wasn't something I was comfortable with sharing to many people.

"He and my mother broke up about a year and a half ago."

"Messy divorce?"

"Actually, they never married. But no, they just didn't feel the same any more. Dad moved out and lives about half a hour away. Millie and Nick visit him every other weekend." I felt weird and vulnerable opening up to Harry. We were in such a weird place.

"And you?" I hum back at him, not understanding the question. "Do you ever see him?"

I shake my head a little before answering. "Dad and I never really got that close. I mean, we still text every once in a while, but I don't know, we're just not that close I guess."

Silence fills the space before I speak again. "Money was always an issue with my family. When I was seven we almost lost the house because dad broke his leg and couldn't work. That summer I only saw my mum about once a week. She was constantly working, and when she wasn't, she was sleeping. She was the only one that kept our house, and for that I will forever be grateful for her.

"After that, dad became extremely tight with money. He always told me that I shouldn't dream of going to University because we couldn't afford it. That's why I never got close to him. I always felt as though he didn't want me to achieve. Don't get me wrong, I knew what he meant. I just felt like he didn't support me. I still love him, but it's not the same as mum and I.

"His thing for me never attending university made me want to go even more. So I hooked into school, got the grades, got accepted and here I am now." I pause again letting my life story sink in for a little before speaking. "I know you're super rich and whatever and you probably think I'm some low life scum living in a crappy hous-"

"You don't know anything about me." Harry sneers and I roll my eyes.

"Because you don't tell me anything..." I mumble, Harry sighing. He didn't let anything slip out that might leave cracks in the walls his eyes hid behind. Behind this wall he had built was a whole other man, one that was damaged and scarred. But mostly, he was scared of damaging himself some more.

"Because, it's my fucking life!" He yells as he shoots up from the swing. I cringe, praying the mum and my siblings couldn't hear him. The last thing they need is for me to bring my latest dramas home.

"Are you kidding? I just told you almost everything there is to know about me." I say, trying hopelessly to keep my voice calm. Did he expect me to explain my life story to him and not ask questions about him? Was he really that delusional?

"By choice,"

"I answered your questions," I couldn't help as my voice began to rise. This is why he does to me. He makes me feel crazy with his many mood swings. "Tell me something about you." I ask softly, a glare being shot at me for the request. Getting personal information from him was not something that could be done with ease.

"Please," I plead and Harry sighs as he takes a seat on the chair at the small wooden table near the swing.

He let's out a breath, running his hands over his face before following into his hair, pushing the locks back. I had only known him for a few days and I already found that was something he did when he was nervous or stressed.

I had no idea why he was so hesitant to tell me about his life. I literally told him about my childhood.

"I don't know where to begin..."


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Thanks, x

©2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 24.06.2018
Edited: 28.06.2018

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