Chapter Thirty-Two

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Harry and I had come home from Paris, and from the moment I stepped into the doors, Ally had been pounding me with questions. Initially I was greeted with a hug and 'thank god you're back', but then came the questions.

"How was it?"

"It was nice,"

"Nice? You went to Paris with your boyfriend and all you can say is nice?"


Ally rolls her eyes, not convinced by my answer. "Did you see the Eiffel Tower?" She asks and I nod, ally yet again rolling her eyes at my responses. "Okay... and how was it?"

"It was-"

"I swear to god if you tell me that it was nice, I'll beat you up," she threatens making my giggle a little.

"Beautiful. I was going to say beautiful," now, should I not have the nagging fear that I may be newly pregnant with Harry's baby, then I would have gushed about how Harry knew what the right time was to see it. I would of talked for at least an hour of the glow it casted into the darkening sky, or how for that moment, those few minutes I stared at the man-made wonder, I was happy and not a single problem.

But instead, I was here, praying that my period would start. I was due any day and at this point, I needed it more than ever.

"Somethings up with you, you're acting weird..." Ally observes and I bite my lip.

"Nothing really, just... exhausted." And apparently it was a lot harder to confess the truth than I had thought. I knew once the words were out in the open, everything was real.

"Okay, get some rest. I'll call you for dinner." I nod, hauling my bag with me as I scuttle to my room, my safe haven.

——— ——— ———

I stand from the toilet, disappointed for the billionth time that I didn't have my period. I had stalled for a week and a half, too scared to do anything more than hope and pray. I knew I had to do something, but I didn't want to do it by myself. I needed support.

"C'mon, Leah. If I wet myself, you'll be the one to clean the mess." I hear Ally's voice ring through the door.

"Yeah, just a second," I say back, washing my hands.

"Thank god," she releases a long breath as I open the door, the girl racing into the room.

I step out of the way, going to the one place that calms me. I push open the glass doors, sliding them closed as I take a seat and look down to the passing cars. I didn't know what my next move was. Do I tell Harry? Ally? Do I keep it to myself? Do I wait a few more days for my monthlies? Do I run to the store and buy a test?

I know that I should've bought a test as soon as I got home, told Harry about everything but how could I? If it's positive than everything is confirmed. I'll be a mother. Of course I'd tell Harry then. But what if I explained everything and it turned out to be false. Than I can't take it all back. It's just so hard. Besides, Harry and I aren't the strongest couple and I can admit that. We aren't ready to be parents. Hell, we've only really gotten used to each other.

"Hey," Ally speaks, catching me from my thoughts. "What's going on? You're out here without a book. Just lost in you're thoughts. Since you've come back you've been... distant. With Harry too. He's been asking me if I know . I just... I wanna help you," and with those last two words I couldn't hold it back anymore. Tears built up in my eyes before bursting over the edge.

I spilled the entire situation to Ally, including almost every detail.

"Okay, I'll run down to a drugstore and buy you a test. You've gotta do one," she says as she darts back inside before grabbing her things and racing away. I slump in my chair, feeling a little weight lifted off my shoulders.

I look down at my stomach biting hard on my lip.

My thoughts chew the time away because before I know it Ally is back with a bag filled with boxes. "Ally... why did you get so many?" I chuckle, her face scared.

"Accuracy..." I nod picking two boxes.

"Okay, but we'll just do two," she nods ripping open a box as I do too.

"Okay, go pee," she says and I chuckle, walking into the bathroom. I do what I have to do before going back out to Ally. "Okay, I've set my alarm for two minutes. Ready for the torture?" She asks and I let out a sigh.

The two minutes were the slowest minutes that had ever ticked passed. I chewed the stubs of my fingers, no nail left after my two weeks. I had never felt so anxious.

I jump high as Ally's phone starts playing a tune, telling us to look at the sticks. I frown at the answer, not sure if it's right. "What does yours say?"

"Um... positive..." she replies, my heart sinking.

"Yeah... mine too..."

"Shit." Silence fills the room, the air too tense for me to even breathe. "Maybe... they're wrong?"

"I have to tell Harry," I mumble, Ally grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Look, always remember I am here for you. No matter what you want to do, no matter what Harry says. I'm always here for you," I nod, thankful for having Ally. "Do you wanna do another?" I shake my head, two tests being enough for me.

I grab my phone for the table, unlocking it and opening my contacts. I dial Harry's number, heart thumping loser than the dial tone in my ear.

"Hey, babe. Look, I've gotta call you back. I'm in a meeting. Give me ten minutes?"

"Um... okay."

"Bye," he dismisses. I bid my goodbyes.

I count down the minutes, twelve minutes passing before Harry's name flashes over the screen, my heart skipping a beat.

"Hey, sorry about that. What's up?" He asks, shuffling sounding in the background.

"Um, I know I shouldn't tell you this over the phone-"

"What's wrong?" His voice was filled with concern. I knew he was thinking up a million things that could be wrong.

"Maybe you should come over..."

"Okay I'll be there soon, baby,"


Oh shit! She's gonna tell him....

Thanks, xx

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