Chapter Twenty-Two

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As requested, here's update 2!

*W A R N I N G! This chapter contains smut. Read at your own risk!*

"So..." I say as Harry takes a seat on Ally's bed.

"So.." he repeats and I smile.

"I'm sorry," I mumble but Harry shakes his head.

"No, don't worry about it. It was my fault. I should never have talked to you like that. I... I don't... I want you to come over whenever you want. I... ah... I miss having you around." He says and I blush.

"I missed you, too." He smiles, standing up and moving over to me. He leans over me, my breath catching in my throat.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks with a smirk and I can't help smile at him, too. Once again, we hadn't discussed the big issues, yet we were ready to make up? This couldn't be healthy for either of us. We were caught in a vicious cycle, neither of us attempting to break it. Nevertheless, I didn't want to give us, whatever we were, up.

"Yes," I tell him as he bends down and connects his soft lips to my own. I had no idea I was missing his kiss this much. I smile, kissing him back as I raise my hand, holding the back of his head.

I pull him closer, scooting back as he crawls on top of me. He disconnects our lips, sitting on the bed next to me, pulling me on top of him so I was straddling him.

"Fuck I missed this," he mumbles against my neck. I moan, rolling my head to the side as he nibbles a little.

I feel his hands slip up my shirt, my skin tingling with each touch. I don't know how he did it but he always managed to make me feel amazing.

"Harry..." I moan out. Harry slips his hands out from under my shirt, unbuttoning it. He slips it off of my shoulders throwing it to the floor. Harry trails kisses from my neck to my breasts, leaving love bites over the skin.

I moan, lifting Harry's shirt up. "Take it off," I mumble and he smirks. He reaches down, pulling his shirt over his head. I could help but gawk at his bare skin, admiring his tattoos.

"Is the door locked, baby?" I look over, shaking my head before standing and locking it.

When I turn back around I find Harry standing in the middle of the room. My eyes instantly are attracted to his toned torso and the v-line reaching into the top of his jeans. I walk over to him, his hands reaching onto my hips, squeezing them.

Harry reaches for the button on my jeans, pulling them down my legs. I blush, forgetting how I felt when Harry saw me this bare. "Lay down," he says, kicking his shoes off and pulling his jeans down too.

He crawls back onto the bed, hovering above me. As he bends down to connect our lips together I feel his bulge rub against my leg, the touch stirring my stomach. Harry's hand reaches behind me, playing with the hook of my bra.

"Can I take if off?" He asks and I nod. My teeth sink into my lip as the material is removed and thrown to the floor.

When I am on full display for him I can't help but shy away, carefully watching him. "You are so beautiful, baby. I'm so sorry for everything," he says and I smile. He reaches down to my hips, slowly dragging my underwear down my legs.

"Do you wanna..." he trails off. I nod, knowing exactly what he meant. My heart jumps harder in my chest at thought of losing my virginity to this man. But I was happy to. I was ready. And there was no one else that I was willing to share it with.

"Have you got a condom?" I ask and shakes his head, sitting up.

"Fuck," he growls as he runs a hand through his hair.

"Ally should have some in her drawer," I tell him and he nods. Standing from the bed and walking to her side. He opens the draw, shuffling through the items scattered through it until he returns with a foil packet.

I smile, sitting up a little as I watch him. Harry strips from his boxers, looking at me as he gestures to the condom.

"Do you wanna put it on?" He offers and I think it over for a few seconds before agreeing.

He walks over to the bed, his thick shaft sitting in front of me. He hands me the small packet. I rip it open, looking up at Harry. "I... I don't know..."

"It just rolls on, princess," he tells me and I nod, attempting to roll the rubber over him. As I touch him Harry hisses, head falling back.

Harry checks it after I have slipped it on, before joining me back on the bed.

"Are you sure about this, Leah. I don't want you to regret this later," he says and I smile at him.

"I'm sure," I tell him as I reach up and connect my lips to his own. He kisses back, hands roaming my bare body making me tingle.

"Ready baby?" He asks and I nod, feeling him push inside of me.

It aches as I try to adjust to foreign feeling. I squirm under him, trying to find a place that was most comfortable before nodding my head. Harry slowly raises himself before pushing back in again, the thrust hurting just as much, if not more, than the first.

He leans down kissing my lips, but I don't kiss back. I was aching in my lower region.

"Are you alright, baby girl?" He asks and I shake my head, a tear slipping down my cheek. It was hurting so much. "Do you want me to stop?" He asks and I agree. It was hurting far too much to continue. Harry pulls out, looking me over with concern.

"I'm sorry," I mumble through my tears, Harry shaking his head as leans down to kiss me.

"Don't be sorry darling,"

I look away, ashamed that I couldn't follow through with it. "Look, I just need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a sec." He tells me, pulling on his clothes.

It doesn't take too long before Harry comes back. By then, I had changed into a fresh pair of panties and a baggy tee. I also managed to hide the sheets that had small blood patches on them.

When Harry walks in he notices the bed had been stripped, eyebrows furrowing. When he realises what had happened he looks over at me but I can't face this man. I was far too embarrassed. He had probably been with so many girls, girls that were experienced.

"C'mere," Harry coos. I walk over to him, his arms wrapping around my body. "It's alright, love. It should be easier next time." He offers me a small smile before pecking my lips.

After the two of us make my bed and we had both showered, we curl up in my bed watching movies on my laptop. However, I still felt the heavy tension on my chest.

* * *

Wow! Okay so did you think this was alright? I mean, was this written okay because I felt like I kind of ruined it with my writing. I might rewrite it later :) next smut chapter is chapter 26 so we can all calm down a little haha ;)

Thanks, xx

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