Chapter Five

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As I slowly walk towards the entrance my phone vibrates in my sweaty palm. I look at my screen to see a new notification from You have a new message from STYLES, Harry

I unlock my phone, opening the message.

Harry: I'm running a little late. Just tell the hostess your there as Harry Styles plus one. I'll be there as soon as I can.

I sigh at the message. At least I get a few more minutes alone to work up the courage to see him...

I re-read the message, a little annoyed he didn't apologise. Did he have no courtesy? He was running late and I at least deserved a simple 'sorry'.

I walk to be faced with a tall blonde who looks like she should be modelling, not working the front of a restaurant. "Hello, how can I help you today, ma'am?" the woman asks as she forces a smile. Personally, I think she needs to work on her social skills.

"I'm here for reservations for Harry Styles. I'm his plus one." I tell her just as Harry had instructed me to do.

She clicks and scrolls on her computer, typing something in.m. "Ah, yes. Right this way," She says as she stands from the podium. "Mr Styles requested a table in the back." She informs me and I know that it didn't really make a difference. I'm nervous either way.

Maybe he's trying to hide you...

I bite my lip at the thought. Maybe he was and I wouldn't blame him. We met on a sugar daddy website, it's not something to gloat about. If I were him, I don't even think I'd meet me in public. Maybe that's why he was running late, to put off meeting me.

When we reach our table the lady leaves so I am sitting alone, thoughts running wild in my mind. My heart hadn't stopped hammering against my ribs, the felon honestly starting to hurt. I had no idea what to expect with this meeting nor with Harry. Ten minutes pass and there is still no sign of Harry.

My nerves had settled, now anger was starting to wash through my veins. I decide to message Harry, just to see where he is.

Leah: Hey Harry, I thought you said you wouldn't be long. If you're not here soon I'm leaving.

I press send, regretting it immediately. Maybe I should've just been patient.

As I start to type out an apology I hear a lady speaking, freezing all my movements. "Here's your table, sir."

"Okay, thank you. I have it from here." a man says and I freeze, locking my phone. Shit! He was here.

"Good morning, Ms Hamilton. I'm sorry for my tardiness. Those men couldn't wrap it up." He says. At first I think he was trying to make a joke to ease the tension, but as I look at him I notice he was dead serious, pissed even.

"Um, okay. I understand." I say as I look at my lap where my fumbling fingers sat. Had he received my message?

"Oh, you do? Because you earlier message would suggest otherwise." he says and I blush, eyes not moving away from my lap.

"I'm sorry. I was anxious..." I try to justify myself but just sound like an idiot.

"Okay." He sighs, leaning forward on the table. He clamps his hands together as he leans on the table. "Well, let's get to business than, yeah?" I nod my head. This was the first time I had properly looked at the man before me.

He was clad in a white button up that was hidden behind his black jacket. His hair was cut short, small curls poking through. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green, captivating me and wanting to agree with anything he had to say. However, the way he looked tense, I could easily tell he had a thick wall covering him. He was hidden from the rest of the world.

"So," He says, breaking me away for my admiration of how beautiful he was. "We have come here to discuss terms." He starts and before he can continue, I cut in.

"I am not providing sex or anything of the sort for money." I mumble quickly. I'm not a prostitute.

Harry chuckles at me as he shakes his head. "Yet you were on that website. I find that hard to believe." he says and I instantly become defensive.

"Yeah, well don't forget that you were on there too. And have been for a lot longer than me. Three months, in fact." he stiffens, surprised by my fire-back. But, in all honesty, I was too. I had no idea where I had managed to find this burst of confidence.

"Ms Hamilton, I am not interested in your body." I don't know why but his words sparked a small pang of hurt in my chest. What's wrong with my body? "I'm interested in hiring you as a casual date to a function tomorrow night. It is important that I have a classy girl to attend with me. I was running out of options and my friends suggested this."

After his initial meeting, I felt the need to defend myself every time he spoke, so I did. "'Hiring me'? How could you not find somebody to attend for free. It's a simple function."

"Because, no one will know you." it made sense. New girl, no questions.

"Look, I don't know if I can do this."

"Ms Hamilton, I'm sure you have a price. Name it." I bite my lip to hold back harsh comment brewing on the tip of my tongue.

"Mr Styles, I think you're forgetting I'm human so please treat me like it." I say as I go to stand. However, I'm stopped by his hand wrapping lightly around my wrist.

"Ms Hamilton, please stay. I apologise for my behaviour. But, I was saying you were on that site for a reason, why? Extra cash? Piss mommy and daddy off? College?" I look down as he hits the nail right on the head with his last guess. "Ah, the expenses of college. What do you need. Tuition? Book fees? Dorm rent?" He smirks at me knowing damn well he had found my weak spot.

"Tuition and dorm rent. I'm falling behind." I say as the tears threaten to spill.

"Well, Ms Hamilton if you agree I'll be happy to provide you with those payments. I will also give you money to buy an outfit. My security, Derek will take you. I will pay to have your hair done and send a car for you tomorrow night." he informs me and I bite my lip. He bargained a good deal.

"My college fees are like $12,000 just for this year. That's too much."

"I offered and you have my word. I never go back on my word." He assures and I sigh.

"What if I don't agree?"

"If you don't agree it is too late to find someone else so I will have to attend alone, however that may cause some problems. Nevertheless, if you agree I need you to read over this. It's a confidentiality agreement. Just to protect me." he says, passing over a stack of paper and I sigh.

"Can I have some time to think?"

"Of course."


Hope this was a little better. Message me if you have any problems. Thanks x

I sincerely apologise for my lack in updating, I'm sorry for the delay. However, considering I'm so behind I have decided to bless you with three new chapters. Thanks x

© 2018 1d_minnion. All rights reserved.

Published: 29.04.2018
Edited: 18.06.2018

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