Chapter Twenty-Six

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So it has been awhile since I have blessed you with a new chapter and it has been requested so here it is. Enjoy :)

* WARNING! This part contains smut. Please skip if you are not comfortable reading. Thank you.*

All the party guests were sat around listening to people make a toast about Gemma. First was Anne, telling her audience about small moments in Gemma's childhood. I couldn't help but wonder if they were made up or not. After everything that Harry had told me about their father, I had just assumed that their childhood was ruined. Maybe I was wrong.

Next up was Harry who told us about her first boyfriend that he beat up because he kissed her in front of him. He told us that even though Gemma was technically the older child, he will forever protect her. My heart swelled in my chest at the words he spoke. Harry was definitely not perfect, but he would do whatever it takes to protect his mother and sister. Not that I could blame him. He had a tough upbringing.

After Harry was Robin. Robin told that even though he hadn't been around since Gemma was running around in diapers, he loved her like his own.

Gemma's friends followed after, telling some ridiculous stories that I'm sure Gemma never wanted shared with her family. By the end of the speeches, Gemma had become a sobbing mess, Harry chuckling at his sister.

It wasn't long after people had made there speeches that the guests slowly started to depart. Harry and I were just sat at a table, talking to each other about nothing in particular.

"I loved your speech," I smile, Harry smiling back at me.

"I know, I'm fabulous." I giggle, shaking my head at the man. Harry catches me by surprise as he presses his lips against mine. He hadn't kissed me all night, not that I was surprised. I knew he didn't want to kiss me in front of his family.

"Can we go upstairs?" Harry asks and I nod, smiling to myself. As we stand up I feel the champagne and nerves bubbling in my stomach, a slight burn started to build in my lower region at the thought of what was coming.

Harry leads me up the curved stairs, down a hallway until pushing open a door. I smile as I look around, the room filled for a teenage Harry. I walk over to the dresser by his window, framed photos lining the area, kicking my shoes off as I do so.

They were mostly filled with him and his family except two. One was of him and another girl. They were sat on a hammock, the girl perched in Harry's lap, his hand resting on her inner thigh. They were laughing at something, clearly oblivious to someone taking their photo. My eyes follow the arms of the unknown girl, seeing them snaked around Harry's neck. I feel my heart clench at the sight. It was clear who this girl is.

"Leah, are you okay?" I hear from behind me and I nod. I wonder how long he had been calling our for me...

"Yeah..." I pick up the frame, showing Harry. "Who's this?" I ask and he sighs.

"My ex."

"Why do you still have it?"

"Really?" I nod, waiting for his answer. "Because I haven't been home since before the breakup." He tells me and I nod. "Give it here," I hand the frame to him and he opens it. He pulls the photo out before ripping it up into tiny pieces, throwing them into the bin by his desk. "She's all gone, I promise." He tells me and I smile. I turn back at the photos admiring them now that she wasn't there.

"Who's this?" I ask pointing to a photo of Harry and a small girl.

They were sitting on the grass, pink and purple flowers decorating Harry's hair. The small girl was laughing as she adds more to his curls, Harry trying to hold back his smile as he pouts at the camera.

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