Chapter Eighteen

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§ W A R N I N G §
There is smut in this chapter. Just be warned. Thanks, xx :)

I was standing in front of Ally's closet not sure what I should wear tonight. I was told to wear something casual, but a little fancy, too. I pull out a red dress that was tight at the top, around my bust, but flowed down to a little higher than my mid-thigh. I lay it out on the bed before working on her hair. I pull out my blow dryer and dry my hair before twisting my hair into tight curls.

I decide to keep my makeup neutral, not waning to overdo it. Harry hadn't told me where we were going but I was really excited nevertheless.

I didn't think that from the time Harry and I had spent together that we could get to this stage where we were in a good place. All Harry and I ever seemed to be doing was arguing and fighting over pointless things.

Once my hair and makeup is done I change into Ally's dress, the top hugging my bust a lot more than it should thanks to my breasts bring a little bigger than Ally's. I twirl around in the mirror for a second before sliding on my white heels and grabbing my purse and black leather jacket with golden zips.

I walk out of the room, heading downstairs to wait for Harry. I stand out the front of the building, pulling my jacket closer to my body in hopes of warming up a little. It was only the end of September but already the air had become a bit chillier than usual.

Soon, a black Range Rover with dark tinted windows, was pulling into an empty parking space. Harry jumps out in yet another one of his suits. I think I had only seen him in a casual outfit once, and that was when I stayed over at his house.

"You look stunning, love," he smiled and I can't help but smile back. I don't know what it was about this man. One minute he made me absolutely crazy, then the next he made me feel like I was the luckiest girl ever.

"Thank you," I mumble to him. Harry places his hand softly on the small of my back and leads me to the passenger side of his car. He of course opens the door for me like a gentleman, shutting it when I am secured inside. The warmth of the car instantly heating my cold skin, soothing me.

The drive to wherever we were going was silent besides a soft hum of the radio playing in the background as I watched the city zoom past me. Soon Harry is pulling into a small parking space. We get out and Harry leads me to a small building not far from where we had parked. The theme colours all seemed to be black, white and red. In a large white square sign was the words 'Little Italy', in large black font.

Harry grabs my hand and leads me inside, the interior juts as beautiful, if not more, than the outside of the restaurant. The walls were a dark red, the floor covered in a dark cream coloured carpet. The walls had black trimmings, with expensive looking paintings hanging from the walls.

The tables, however, brought more light to the restaurant with each being covered with an off-white table cloth. The contrast of each table against the wall colours was quite effective.

The entirety of the restaurant was only visible through the dim lighting of fairy lights that littered the roof, resembling the look or the starry night sky. There was also a small light casted of each table, setting the romantic scene for the customers. It was stunning to say the least.

Harry leads us over to the podium where a girl, not too much older than me, stands. She smiles, clearly a fake smile as Harry and I approach her. She gives her greeting before Harry orders a table for two. Soon another lady, maybe younger than me, walks over to us and leads us to the back of the restaurant, close enough to the kitchen where we can hear the clashing pans, and the loud shouts of the head chef. The aromas that wafted from the small windows between the dining area and the kitchen made my stomach lightly growl.

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