Chapter Twenty

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I grab Harry's hand and lead him to the bathroom, telling him to sit on the closed toilet lid while I pull out his first aid kit.

After locating the small bag, I set it on the basin next to where Harry was sat on the toilet. No words were shared between the two of us, just a thick silence that made me feel like I was going to choke. I knew that both of us had hundreds of things swirling around our minds, begging to be thrown into the confined space, but neither of us knew what to say.

The words that were spoken caught me off guard. "I'm sorry, baby." I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that he called me that, and every time I heard it my stomach flipped over and over while my heart hammered against my chest. I wanted to forget the much needed talk soon to be argument that was brewing and cuddle with this man. But I couldn't. I couldn't give in to him. Not this time.

"Harry," I start, trying desperately to build myself up to continue this. God, he made me feel so freaking weak. "What was he even doing here?" I wonder and he sighs, head dropping as he becomes distracted by the tiled ground beneath us. I grab his chin so he could look at me while I fix his wounds on his face.

"I...sometimes he will just drop by like that." He says quietly, clearly hiding more information from me. And after that first encounter with his father, I'm not sure I really want to know what that might be.

"Harry, that was absolutely terrifying." I claim as unwanted tears begin to leak from my eyes. I pick up an alcohol wipe, swiping it over the wound on his chin.

"Look, I never asked you to come by." He spits at me, wincing as I touch over the sore. I try to tell myself that he deserved it, that even though my pain was emotional, he should feel some form of pain. Nevertheless, my heart clenched at the thought of this man hurting in any way.

"Harry... I should be able to come by and not have to worry that you violent father will be here." I throw away my rubbish as I stick the bandaid against his chin.

"Why? You're not my girlfriend, Leah!" He says as he stands abruptly from the toilet. I pack away my mess, shoving the bag into the cupboard. I couldn't help the tears that began to slip from my eyes, no matter how much I tried to stop them. I knew that I wasn't his girlfriend but the way he was talking to me made me feel like I was absolutely nothing and he didn't care about me. And if that was the case, what was last night? Was that just a sick mind game?

"I'm sorry," he repeats his previous words, hand rested on my shoulder. I shrug it off harshly, though, not letting him win that easy.

I decide that no matter what happens at the moment we were going to fight, so why not ask a question that I knew would make him blow up but I was eager to know?

"Who's Brandy?" I turn to look at the boy that was managing to steal my heart without me being able to do a goddamn thing about it.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Do you need to know everything about me?!" And with that, he storms out of the bathroom.

I can't stop myself as I drop to the floor, sobs wracking my body. I didn't really have anything to cry about, but I couldn't help it. I felt overwhelmed and everything seemed to be going wrong.

After ten minutes spent in my pity party, I stand and head home to sleep the rest of this horrendous day away.

* * *

My eyes slowly flutter open, Ally glancing over at me with a small smile. I had no idea how long I had been asleep for, or how long she had been home for.

"Hey," she says to me gently, making me question my current state.

"Hi. What's up?" I ask and she bites her lip, taking a few seconds to gather her words before replying to me.

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